What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
I'm a hellenic pagan. (zeus worship). for real

i love reading theogony by hesiod when i'm stoned.........it is so good....definitely believe in all that good stuff. ancient greeks gave us everything man. you know? fucking western civilization...they knew what was up...and that was before christianity was invented...
8) Carnage and Culture for you! Yes, the Greeks gave us more than we realize. And then there's the cheese.
It's okay to have a fairy tale to believe in. Luckily the tradition of throwing unfit babies off of cliffs has not been passed down successfully from Greece to us. Yeah, they had it all going on. :shock:

out. :blsmoke:
I believe that was specific to Sparta. And, oddly enough, Sparta had rather progressive attitudes towards women. I believe they were allowed to own property and vote.

This is why I so strongly suggest the perusing at least of Joseph Campbell. But, unless one avails themselves it's difficult to go beyond a rather cursory explanation.


New Member
8) Carnage and Culture for you! Yes, the Greeks gave us more than we realize. And then there's the cheese.

I believe that was specific to Sparta. And, oddly enough, Sparta had rather progressive attitudes towards women. I believe they were allowed to own property and vote.

This is why I so strongly suggest the perusing at least of Joseph Campbell. But, unless one avails themselves it's difficult to go beyond a rather cursory explanation.

Oh, well then thats just ducky.....:peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nature is the 1 true god. it exists everywhere, has always been, will always be, it is everything and nothing. it is all the rules and bounds inwhich our universe exists.

*can't disprove nature* it is our god. ;)


Well-Known Member
nature didn't exist at one point; before the big bang? I also disagree with the whole "space is nature" natural in my eyes has always meant to some degree terrestrial.


Well-Known Member
nature didn't exist at one point; before the big bang? I also disagree with the whole "space is nature" natural in my eyes has always meant to some degree terrestrial.
assuming there was a big bang, and that everything didn't just exist and is ever evolving.

also, to have a bang, there has to be something. so ... i dunno what to tell ya.. nature always has been and always will be.


Well-Known Member
Its funny that freedom comes through God.

And people want freedom but not God...so how you all going to be free?


Well-Known Member
There are many paths to the light, and all directions are allowed. All ends at the same place reguardless. We are all just tryin to get home.

I think therefore I am.


Active Member
It's okay to have a fairy tale to believe in. Luckily the tradition of throwing unfit babies off of cliffs has not been passed down successfully from Greece to us. Yeah, they had it all going on. :shock:

out. :blsmoke:
I'd have to say that is unfortunate rather than "lucky"
theres way too muhc breeding going on rigbht now
especially when you notice only stupid people are breeding


Well-Known Member
I've argued that point for years, but then you get into the whole eugenics arguement. it's a long road ahead of this convo. :P


New Member
The illusion of a duality within you has been shown by science to be a Darwinian survival tool. It obviously, like anything, has its drawbacks.

out. :blsmoke;