Well-Known Member
If you've got pot, I think you should share...
Well, for all the talk back and forth about the evils of the man and big business...... weed is treated the exact same way. There's a whole bunch of hypocrisy on these forums.If you've got pot, I think you should share...
Val Kilmer used to be pretty hot.I saw him lately...he's slipping....I don't need to pay someone 50K to tell me that I know what I know. It's a scam. When you think of all the graduates colleges turn out every year divided by the number of jobs that become available every year, shit just doesn't add up.
I think most people are educated WAYYYY beyond thier intellegence, anyway. Myself included, why I dropped outta med school.......
The depth of my hyprocrisy knows no bounds..... (Val Kilmner said that in a movie, can't remember which one.)
I always thought he was cute, but obviously arrogant.
Now Heath Ledger, I coulda eat that boy with a SPOON, and he was sweet and humble, too. Too bad about him.![]()
Sad about him, yes.Never did it for me.I think we all know, since I've said it enough, that Benicio Del Toro is the guy I'd like to rape.
Ok let's NOt urn theis thread into Girl talk about some Hard Legs.......![]()
, but The Dark Knight was tha Shizznit, Ledger actually ruined any following attempts for anyone that tries to play JOKER.......I laugh at all the previous depictions after seeing POETRY like that
...OK OK Ok back to OMMmmm
Dark Knight was Awesome, the Best one I think since the Newly installments from 89. Jack is the Man, he did do a great job, actually he made that movie what it was as well, however Ledger embodied the role 10x greater. Jack was just being Jack ( 1 flew over the cuckoos nest, shinning).....Jack is Crazy....drugs not includedThe Dark Knight wasn't that good. Christian Bales voice as batman was retarded sounding. Yes Ledger played a decent joker, but I think Jack Nicholson was better.
relighion was forced on me as a young lad so i didnt get along to well with the regulor ones... i guess nothing really other than what we all are lolThis being a weed forum and all, I am ubber-curious whatall kinda spiritualities lurk about here.
I am a heretic, a Valentian gnostic. I am also a beginner Kabbalist.
I am a vegan as well, and while going for LPN I am also a horse whisperer.
I am a pothead and a wino, but I can do without just as well. (Have to, sometimes.)
Tell me about yourselves, your faith or beliefs, and what you love, what makes you happy.