What is your definition of Happiness?


Well-Known Member
Excellent question!

My definition of happiness is pretty simple..

Being happy means eliminating the things that bother you from your life. For me, there are things that I worry about every waking moment. To free me from this worry, I would be truly happy

What's interesting is, I feel there are different levels of happiness. For example, I would be happier if humanity could alleviate poverty than I would be not worrying about bills..

So I think my definition of happiness kind of hinges on this question; Happiness for me, or happiness in general? Am I free to be as selfish as I wish in this theoretical or are we speaking universally, what would make me the absolute happiest I could attain?


Well-Known Member
Happiness is eating your chocolate chip cookie , having a 5 second orgasm , having a smoke then getting up the next day and do it all again !
Happiness only comes in small doses people .


Well-Known Member
Growing my erb, the feeling you get when Ladies look happy.

Doing something or buying something for a Loved one, Partner, Son, Daughters..OR just spending quality time with them.


Watching F1 or having a session on my 360

Still being on the Planet when so many of my Fam & Friends are gone....but not forgotten..

World Peace(Like that's ever gonna happen)




Well-Known Member
Every person is responsible for their own happiness. Nobody can do that for you. It really has to come from within.

To me happiness means being at peace with myself and the world around me.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have. — Unknown.