What is wrong with this plant?!



Okay the two on the left are of the poor baby I'm speaking of. It was planted on the same day as the plant on the right, they are both Big Bud, and were treated exactly the same. Has me stumped, any ideas?


Hmmm, are those two placed in between other pots? Maybe it gets too hot in their spot since their in the middle? Can't think of anything else that would cause this other than heat and undernourishment (which I think is highly improbable since you're growing them indoors).


Hmmm, are those two placed in between other pots? Maybe it gets too hot in their spot since their in the middle? Can't think of anything else that would cause this other than heat and undernourishment (which I think is highly improbable since you're growing them indoors).
The two pictures on the left are of the same plant, it is the only one acting this way. It isn't placed anywhere that should allow extra heat and the soil is cool to the touch.


Well-Known Member
I would *STRONGLY* recommend not trying to flower them until they are at least healthy. 12/12 from seed, while one of the most undesirable way to grow, works best with healthy plants from the start.


I would *STRONGLY* recommend not trying to flower them until they are at least healthy. 12/12 from seed, while one of the most undesirable way to grow, works best with healthy plants from the start.
Yeah, this is the only plant I've ever had behave this way. Most my plants are healthy and do fine under the 12/12 lighting. Thanks though.


Well-Known Member
Heck it may not like it's soil. Change it if you think it's gonna die anyway.


Active Member
Just because a seed looks good from the outside, DOES NOT mean it is a good, healthy, viable seed.