What is wrong with these two plants?

These are actually about month growing now but are so small. One grew tall when I had a 68W 2600K bulb but switched to all daylight bulbs ( one 65w, 4 27w). I know for sure that I gave it too many nutrients to start with so I let it alone for a while and just gave them straight co2 water. I fucking hate using miracle grow soil because it grows acidic over time due to the peat breaking down. I love growing in soil but hate yo-yo'ing in ph, adding acidifier here and blood meal there. I am just curious what these two plants might have going on with them if anything at all. Please help.top2.JPGside1.JPGtop1.JPGside2.JPG


theres nothing wrong if u ask me, too much messing around adjusting soil n lights n nutes etc may cause stress n stunt growth 4 a while but will get back on track, looks 2 me like theyre grown from seed n usually see very rapid growth which will slow once u have a node or 2. also just check humidity, i find young plants rely a lot on high humidity, probs around 60% a month in and slowly decrease the humidity over time, hope this helps. n btw i dont profess to be any kind of expert so keep an eye out 4 other advice/opinions
theres nothing wrong if u ask me, too much messing around adjusting soil n lights n nutes etc may cause stress n stunt growth 4 a while but will get back on track, looks 2 me like theyre grown from seed n usually see very rapid growth which will slow once u have a node or 2. also just check humidity, i find young plants rely a lot on high humidity, probs around 60% a month in and slowly decrease the humidity over time, hope this helps. n btw i dont profess to be any kind of expert so keep an eye out 4 other advice/opinions
Thanks. I actually have no humidifier or humidity checking device. I found out about it recently and your post has sealed the deal since you said they like humidity. I heard they are pretty affordable.


Active Member
Lowes or Home Depot has temp/humidity meters with remote senders that can be hung in the canopy, 24 hour high/low and all for under $25.
I have 3, I hung all 3 in one room and sure enough I had three different readings. I found the average spot and left one there.
Did the same on all 3 rooms, up to a ten degree difference in one room depending where the sender was hung. Humidity was pretty even in the same room, the upstairs room was 7% wetter.


Well-Known Member
In the mean time, leave a bowl of water with a wash cloth dipped in it at all times. When the water completely evaporates, fill the bowl up again. The rag will act like a wic to a candle while it's in the water. Make sure that at least 25% of the wash cloth is in the water and the other 75% is left out. The cloth is gonna add humidity to your room as it evaporates naturally. Not a huge amount, but definitely more then is in there now.
Hope this helps.
Thank you all for your info. I have done all that was suggested (especially the water bowl/wash cloth advice). There's little $ to use at the moment so I'm trying my best. With your help I am able to do much more. Thanks guys, it always feels good to learn something new.