What is wrong with these 2 week olds? (See Pictures)


Active Member

-From seed
-Shitty soil (expert gardener)
-1000w hps about 5ft above plants
-73-77 degrees f daytime, 66-69 degrees night time
-31-35 humidity
-no bugs
-rocks in the bottom of 6" on each side square pots

My thoughts:

The soil does not seem like good breathing soil. What can i do at this point in the grow? They seem to be becoming more yellowish than green.

All conditions seem fine other than the soil. Light is good height, humidity and temp are perfect....I could have sterilized my environment a little bit better but that would probably not effect the entire school of plants.

I added dry nutes to the top of the soil with a watering and it seemed to help just a little.

Is this root suffocation? I dont know otherwise....it seems to be effecting all the plants...

What is the saffest way to transplant into better soil?

Any help on this would be great.



Well-Known Member
can be the soil cause im growing in 1 dollar soil i got from family dollar and my plants dont look like that at all..
do you got a fan in there?


New Member
You never mentioned your ph level as that is a very crucial part here. Looks like a bad ph problem accompanied with a bit of heat stress.

PH at around 5.7 to 6.4 That will give you room for error and feel. Soil is very forgiving so get er done!


Active Member
There is a fan. The temp gauge is under the lights with the plants...75 degrees cant be heat stress. ph level was 6.5 last time i checked...I added nutes a couple days later so it must be doen a touch 6.2 maybe. dinky digger: i know it is not a water problem and as for HPS. HPS can be used for an entire grow, especially 1000w. They have plenty of multirange color to do the job right....unlike MH that really should never be used for flowering. You are right they are best for flowering if you want perfection but are more than enough to sustain vegetation. HPS simply stretches plants a bit more.


New Member
Add garden lime,perlite,humidity 40-60%.Add some nutes if theres non in the mix.Miraclegrowhouseplantfood is the cheapest,and it works great.1/4 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide per gallon,of water.


Active Member
espoma dry nutes. i was going to mix them into the upgraded pot because I didnt think they would need it right away but ended up putting on top of the soil when i saw they were acting bad...but these guys definately need something so I guess I am just going to transplant. I am using dried blood, triple phosphate and potash for my NPK (as in espoma brand organics) it is good stuff i just didnt want to apply it to seedling soil.

I do need to get some perlite i seriously think it is a breathing issue....HEY 1KOOGUY is that what the Hydrogen peroxide is for?


Well-Known Member
First you have no perlite in your mix. You should have an 80-20 mix soil to perlite. This will help with drainage and O2 for your roots. The 1000w light is fine. It is better to use HPS than MH in any stage of growth. You wanna stay on the other side of the spectrum. As far from green as you can. Your roots need O2 this is extremely important. I dont make shit up. I dont tell people what i think they should do. I have some great books form experts. After i stoped listining to most people on this sight my shit exploded. Check out the FS Book Company. You will find great info from them and good luck.