what is wrong with my plant?


New Member
i have an autoflowering speedy gonzales growing in about a 4 foot x 3 foot x 2 foot "closet" i made, i am using just regular potting soil, i have intake and exaust fans, the temp stays between 75 and 80 humidity stays at low 60 high about 85. i sprayed some organic pesticide on there because i noticed some white flies. so far i have put just the tinesty bit of fertilizer on it, as i know small and autoflowers dont need much. but look at these pics the leaves seem to not be developing correctly. also notice the white spots on the other leaves.



Well-Known Member
whats wrong is that has poor genetic characteristics, not your fault, have u considered growing photo period mj....looks much nicer and yields more for less electric and is much stronger


New Member
whats wrong is that has poor genetic characteristics, not your fault, have u considered growing photo period mj....looks much nicer and yields more for less electric and is much stronger
I agree 100% with the photo plants. yes much better in every aspect except the one I need the most. I am not looking for huge yields, but the main reason I went with autos is because this has to be very stealthy! I mean I would love to have 6 or more months to grow a nice plant but I wont get into the reasons I cant do that now. so I choose autos because I can basically have some smoke in a much shorter time, I don't need as large of an area, and it is much easier to hide from my nosy land lord. so for now auto is the only way I can do it. I have seen this strain grown in pics online and it seems to be growing faster than mine and the leaves grow and look like normal leaves as they grow. so I guess basically I am looking for advice in what the white spots are, how to stop them, and hopefully figure out why my leaves are growing all weird looking. I read many online instructions for growing autos and I have followed them to the T. lighting, fert. pesticides, ventilation, all of it. how can I tell if my plant growth has been stunted, or if I have made some kinda error?


Well-Known Member
I agree 100% with the photo plants. yes much better in every aspect except the one I need the most. I am not looking for huge yields, but the main reason I went with autos is because this has to be very stealthy! I mean I would love to have 6 or more months to grow a nice plant but I wont get into the reasons I cant do that now. so I choose autos because I can basically have some smoke in a much shorter time, I don't need as large of an area, and it is much easier to hide from my nosy land lord. so for now auto is the only way I can do it. I have seen this strain grown in pics online and it seems to be growing faster than mine and the leaves grow and look like normal leaves as they grow. so I guess basically I am looking for advice in what the white spots are, how to stop them, and hopefully figure out why my leaves are growing all weird looking. I read many online instructions for growing autos and I have followed them to the T. lighting, fert. pesticides, ventilation, all of it. how can I tell if my plant growth has been stunted, or if I have made some kinda error?
another way is to grow a good high potency high yielding strain which finishes quickly and grow it 12/12 from seed, it will stay small and smoke well and you can have finished product in 11 weeks....not for me I grow uk clone only strains.so not from seed but from cuttings which I root... the sort famous US growers come looking for, exodus cheese. exodus psychosis and livers/blues, amazing plants, the exo you can give a rooted clone 3 weeks veg 8 weeks flower and yield 8 to 10 oz....of mind bendingly potent weed.....the deformation in your plant this early on means that it wont come to much so bin it and start again.....don't worry this is good practice as you only want to grow out the healthiest plants to get decent bud....im a commercial grower so take it or leave it and good luck man


New Member
another way is to grow a good high potency high yielding strain which finishes quickly and grow it 12/12 from seed, it will stay small and smoke well and you can have finished product in 11 weeks....not for me I grow uk clone only strains.so not from seed but from cuttings which I root... the sort famous US growers come looking for, exodus cheese. exodus psychosis and livers/blues, amazing plants, the exo you can give a rooted clone 3 weeks veg 8 weeks flower and yield 8 to 10 oz....of mind bendingly potent weed.....the deformation in your plant this early on means that it wont come to much so bin it and start again.....don't worry this is good practice as you only want to grow out the healthiest plants to get decent bud....im a commercial grower so take it or leave it and good luck man
thank you very much for that info.. what do you think caused the deformation in the first place? also can you tell me more about what you said about growing from seed running 12/12 light cycle and get smoke in 11 weeks? I have one good regular photo seed. its by royal seeds, called royal medic. I am only wanting to grow certain strains, I broke my back a few years back, so I want a strain that is a good pain reliever. I would also like a strain that gave me some energy. some of the crap sold around here usually has a high that's just kinda like a DUH type high if that makes since. either I am left on the couch not able to do much more than eat, or I am parodied for no reason. when I lived in a bigger town a college town I smoked some one time that was the best to me. it completely knocked out my back pain I didn't have the munchies really bad, and I was up and cleaning, and just up and kinda like "lets get the day started" ya know? but could you tell me more about how to grow regular seeds in 11 weeks like you said, and maybe tell me some reasons my plant could have started deforming like this?


Well-Known Member
thank you very much for that info.. what do you think caused the deformation in the first place? also can you tell me more about what you said about growing from seed running 12/12 light cycle and get smoke in 11 weeks? I have one good regular photo seed. its by royal seeds, called royal medic. I am only wanting to grow certain strains, I broke my back a few years back, so I want a strain that is a good pain reliever. I would also like a strain that gave me some energy. some of the crap sold around here usually has a high that's just kinda like a DUH type high if that makes since. either I am left on the couch not able to do much more than eat, or I am parodied for no reason. when I lived in a bigger town a college town I smoked some one time that was the best to me. it completely knocked out my back pain I didn't have the munchies really bad, and I was up and cleaning, and just up and kinda like "lets get the day started" ya know? but could you tell me more about how to grow regular seeds in 11 weeks like you said, and maybe tell me some reasons my plant could have started deforming like this?
theres been a war and a bust on my usual thread so I am here being mr helpful cos I gotta a bag of vape.....This is gonna hurt like rippingoff a band aid so sorry but....u plant is fuked it will only be the biggest ever source of frustration and anger, u will b put off growing....I could not do anything with it brother and I grow this shit to live....its a genetic fuk up...autos are shit and deffo not commercial (cant sell it to discerning buyers) and whwere I am its illegal so y get busted over something that wont help u........find the strain which eases your pain the most and u like, its gonna take the 12/12 a good hybrid.....ok quick 12/12........get a 1 to 3 gallon smart pot filled with good qual organic soil, moistened with pH 6.5 water, pop seed about 1/4 inch into soil and stick under HPS on a 12/12 cycle, harvest in 10 to 11 weeks when done......cant get easier than that....feed with organic nutes or make my floweing tea as described above


New Member
theres been a war and a bust on my usual thread so I am here being mr helpful cos I gotta a bag of vape.....This is gonna hurt like rippingoff a band aid so sorry but....u plant is fuked it will only be the biggest ever source of frustration and anger, u will b put off growing....I could not do anything with it brother and I grow this shit to live....its a genetic fuk up...autos are shit and deffo not commercial (cant sell it to discerning buyers) and whwere I am its illegal so y get busted over something that wont help u........find the strain which eases your pain the most and u like, its gonna take the 12/12 a good hybrid.....ok quick 12/12........get a 1 to 3 gallon smart pot filled with good qual organic soil, moistened with pH 6.5 water, pop seed about 1/4 inch into soil and stick under HPS on a 12/12 cycle, harvest in 10 to 11 weeks when done......cant get easier than that....feed with organic nutes or make my floweing tea as described above
ok... I have a good seed that I read a lot about. it was royal medic it is not an auto. so basically grow that seed to harvest in 11 weeks or so under proper conditions and just keep it from seedling to harvest with 12/12 in 11 or so weeks... right?


if you want to save it,

flush flush flush with PH water alot!!

most "regular" soil has to much crap "fert" in it. it will cause what your seeing
dont use any fert on it if you plan to keep it in "regular" soil for at least 4 weeks, then PH water and start light ferts

If you decide to go to a better soil and plan to use a hydro fertlizer program be sure to use a inert soilless mix.
try to remove as much of the old soil as you can without messing with the roots. use a b vitamin like super thrive to help protect from shock.

good luck


Well-Known Member
There's no way genetics made it look like that unless you found those seeds in the rubble of fukushima.

It's probably the soil causing the retarded new growth. Did you add any limestone with the soil?


New Member
I think you gotta give that plant a bit more time and then see what happens.
I agree I think I will do that.. I have it in regular potting soil, I added a tiny bit of fert about a week ago, I added 1/4 of what is recommended. since I am using normal soil could have over nuted?


Well-Known Member
ok... I have a good seed that I read a lot about. it was royal medic it is not an auto. so basically grow that seed to harvest in 11 weeks or so under proper conditions and just keep it from seedling to harvest with 12/12 in 11 or so weeks... right?
yes....you r right..if you are not in a hurry add 2 more weeks for a small veg period to double your yield re 12/12 from seed


New Member
I noticed today that the new sprouting leaves are coming in nicely, here are some pics. maybe someone can look at the pics and see what is wrong or what was wrong.IMG_20130928_125407_720.jpgIMG_20130928_125414_695.jpgIMG_20130928_125446_520.jpgIMG_20130928_125458_072.jpg


New Member
So this is my first grow. I have 4 strains:
blue thai
blue cheese
ice kush
afghan kush x white widow.

i am in the 6th week of flower, i have 35% humidity, 78 degree room temp, 400w hps running with a 1000w mh. Bulb. My set up is in a grow tent 4x4 with a 6" inline fan connected to a carbon filter. I have the plants in 5 gallon hydroponic dwc tubs, i switch my nutrients and water every week. My nutrients are as follow:
advance nutrients across the board:
sensi bloom a and b
bud candy
bud ignitor
rhino skin
than i used extreme serene, these started from seeds and i veg'd them for about 3 months. I topped and super cropped I'm veg stage. I followed all instructions for my feeding schedule and used advanced nutrients sensi grow a and b during veg. I used 1000w hps also during veg.
This now leads me to why i am posting. I am in week 6 of flower. And my colas are looking a little strange, they are not as dense as i thought they would be, and they have a bunch of 1 leafs at the top. And they are very skinny towards the top as well. I have attached a few pictures to see what i am talking about. I want to know if this is normal or if there is something wrong? Also will the buds fill in more?, considering i have 4 more weeks until harvest.

I have also attached a couple photos of the same plant grow in the same room just a different bucket that looks normal to me. I want you guys to see the difference. Again i would appreciate it if someone could help me. I was looking to get at least 2ozs off each plant because i have 10-20 colas on each but I'm starting to get worried that o wont even produce that much.View attachment 2850496View attachment 2850516View attachment 2850514View attachment 2850512View attachment 2850509View attachment 2850508View attachment 2850507View attachment 2850506View attachment 2850505View attachment 2850504View attachment 2850517View attachment 2850542image.jpgView attachment 2850544image.jpg