What is wrong with her?


New Member
This is my seedling. She is 13 days old today and she looks bad. The strain is auto#1 I'm using a one gallon pot and water every 3 days with 2 or 3 sprays from a spray bottle. This is also my first grow. I havn't checked the ph level of the water because I used rain water and thought that should be good enough. This is an auto flower so they don't like nutes. So I'm using soil from my backyard. Does it look underwatered or overwatered? Also, her growth has been stunted since like day 5 or 6. I'm using a closet grow box with temps at 80 degrees. I'm using two 15' cfl tubes and one 27 watt cfl bulb



Active Member
Quit spraying them till they get quite a bit bigger... And all plants like nutes.... They can't survive in medium with no nutrients... Pay attention to your ph when your water and make sure you're using filters or letting it sit out for a few days before using it to let chlorine evaporate


Active Member
She needs food man. That yellowing of the seedling leaf is an indication that she/he has no more stored nutrition. It has rooted and by this time has a large enough root system to handle it's nutrient needs. Start out slow dude, 1/4 strength veg fertilizer.

KumeStorm is right about the spraying....but it really all depends on their environment Is it arid, dry and hot? Then spray them. If not, then don't. It really all personal preference. I like to spray when the are a tad older, with a much larger root mass, that way they can take heavy foliars and not droop.