what is wrong? +rep for all assistance

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
ive got 6 seedlings under a 600 watt hps. average temp is about 80 degrees. 60% humidity. using scotts soil (i know it sucks). the leaves are curling/wilted, and on the yellow side. is it nute burn from the scotts? any help is appreciated


RIU Bulldog
Wilted leaves are a sign of over/under watering, and possibly ph. But could it be possible your over-watering? Do you water everyday?
Need info;
What kind of water are you using (tap, R/O..)?

How big are your "seedlings"? After they sprout their first set of true leaves (the one bladed, first ones that show up that LOOK like cannabis leafs), you can start with a very small veg nute feeding. Like 1/8 to 1/4 strength at most.
Did you add anything to the scotts?
Pics would help.


Sounds like it's time to transplant. Or you could just flush them with 1/4 strength nutrient solution and some superthrive.


Active Member
ive got 6 seedlings under a 600 watt hps.
Seedlings need to be hardened off to withstand that much light I believe. Mabye lift the light up all the way and lower a little every day till the seedlings are used to the intensity.....

Check into over/underwatering. its the most common problem with plants and I did it on my first grow.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
View attachment 1234891 this is the best picture i could get. sorry, just used a camera phone. i water about once every 3 days, when the pots feel light. its about a week in. ive never had this issue before, using tap water i let sit out for 24-48 hours. whats the deal


RIU Bulldog
View attachment 1234891 this is the best picture i could get. sorry, just used a camera phone. i water about once every 3 days, when the pots feel light. its about a week in. ive never had this issue before, using tap water i let sit out for 24-48 hours. whats the deal
Yeah judging by the pic, your over-watering, your soil contains wood chips which deny your plant of nitrogen when it decomposes. That might be what the leave are yellow. If it were me, and I really wanted to save the plant (the damage that you've already caused it will reduce yield. Evey mistake does...could be insignificant tho), I would go out and buy a pH stable soil, make sure to add some perlite to it, and retransplant it in its final pot. This always causes my plant to bounce back beautifully.

tommy gibbs

Well-Known Member
its about 32 inches from plants. ive got 6 seedlings underneath the lamp. im going to let it go another week, if it doesnt improve, ill transplant. im hoping its just shock from the recent transplant/nutrients, and the change from florescent light to hps. thanks all. reps comin now


They look light bleached to me bro. Raise that light up. Them babies are too small for a 600 watt hps at the correct height. I suggest for future grows get Some high output T5 flourescent lighting for veg or some CFLS. Other than that, i would say the wilting of the leaves is over or under watering like others have said. Also if it is light bleaching like it looks like, there are really no ill effects to the finished product as long as you correct the problem fast enough. Hope this helps, good luck and happy growing. Also I'll look around and see if i can't find a few threads for you about light bleaching. Peace and happy tokin

Edit: looks like somebody beat me to it. lol