What is ur most memorable sexual experience

So there I was at a party at a buddies house real fucked up like usual. There was these two girls and a third, the third was in a wheel chair. I says to myself "self we never fucked a chic in a wheel chair before, and she probably never gets any cause of the wheel chair so you are not just getting the notch on the belt but you are doing her a favor. So I starts talkin to her her name is Jamie, Jaime has MS and guys usually ignore her and talk to her friends bu she is there for emotional support, and ya shes down to get some. So I wheel her around the side of the house by the trash cans and stuff, and stop her there, so I can go around the corner and open the sliding glass door in order to get her inside. I go open the door and come back to where I parked her, the wheel chair is flipped and her legs are up in the air, I forgot to put the brakes on. I right her and make sure she is okay then we head inside, I fucked her good and she actually thanked me, she doesnt want her friends to find out so she make me take her back to the side of the house and flip her again, but in the midde of me flipping her the friends show up and well long story short everyone thought I was trying to assault her. But any who Ill remember that one for ever.
So there I was at a party at a buddies house real fucked up like usual. There was these two girls and a third, the third was in a wheel chair. I says to myself "self we never fucked a chic in a wheel chair before, and she probably never gets any cause of the wheel chair so you are not just getting the notch on the belt but you are doing her a favor. So I starts talkin to her her name is Jamie, Jaime has MS and guys usually ignore her and talk to her friends bu she is there for emotional support, and ya shes down to get some. So I wheel her around the side of the house by the trash cans and stuff, and stop her there, so I can go around the corner and open the sliding glass door in order to get her inside. I go open the door and come back to where I parked her, the wheel chair is flipped and her legs are up in the air, I forgot to put the brakes on. I right her and make sure she is okay then we head inside, I fucked her good and she actually thanked me, she doesnt want her friends to find out so she make me take her back to the side of the house and flip her again, but in the midde of me flipping her the friends show up and well long story short everyone thought I was trying to assault her. But any who Ill remember that one for ever.
That story was fucking hilarious. I laughed out loud.

My aunt has MS and it is true most people,even family tend to ignore them. Sad really. I always give my auntie a hug and try to talk to her no matter how hard it is to understand her.

They still have feelings and a sense of humor and the mind is still there for a long time. My aunt had a fuck buddy for a while.

Basically you made her feel special I'm sure. Even if you damn near gave her on concussion from not putting the brakes on.