What is up with these

kbo ca

Active Member
Do you use the reccommended amount of nutrient on the bottle everytime you feed? I usually start off at half strength until i get to know the strain better. They tell you if your feeding to much or not enough. Maybe try cutting back on the feed a lil bit on the next couple waterings.
Yep 1/2 dose it or even better yet skip all together a watering or two. I always use kick ass soil from the start and I've never had to give any nuts during the veg stage :)

Do you use the reccommended amount of nutrient on the bottle everytime you feed? I usually start off at half strength until i get to know the strain better. They tell you if your feeding to much or not enough. Maybe try cutting back on the feed a lil bit on the next couple waterings.


Active Member
thanks 4 the advice. was giving it 1.5ml to a litre of water of bio grow.i buy bottled water that has a ph of 7. is this to high? the temps are between 24-30
watering every 2-3 days when the soil looks dry. can it be fixed r are f****d


some strains might not like ph 7 under soil though im not sure that would be the problem. do you feed them every time you water? you should give them some clear water from time to time (I fed mine every other watering)
I agree 6.5 is almost always the magic number.

Optimal PH Level = 6.5-7.0
- Yellow plant = PH to low.
- To raise add Dolomite (lime).
- To lower add sulfur (fertilizer).

some strains might not like ph 7 under soil though im not sure that would be the problem. do you feed them every time you water? you should give them some clear water from time to time (I fed mine every other watering)