torture works you say?
thats funny because we have "supposed" terrorists who have confessed to bombing buildings that never existed
torture does not work .... they will say anything you want them to to get the torture to stop
Kappin... wow... your sheepleness amazes me
did you know with the recent leak of Government documents (the MIAC report, Lexicon, and DHS report)
that a fairly large percentage, about 30-40%
as well as myself, are classified as terrorist in these documents?
did you know the department of defense teaches its employees protesting is a low level form of terrorism?
your ignorance on the subject blows my mind "who cares if some one smacks around a terrorist"
like i said, a huge chunk of america is now classified as terrorists..
hey do you wanna start torturing people on the no fly list too? over 1 million americans, but hey, they are "known as maybe a possible terrorist"
so according to your logic, its ok to torture those people