What is this?


Active Member
it is a bug but i don't know what kind, i would spray neem oil on them 1 time a week to keep them off. i found this pic it just said a bug problem.



Well-Known Member
its a small bug that burrows into the leaf there called leaf miners they lay there eggs in there also i dunno if neems oil will work im sure these are hard to get rid of
Leaf Miners. The best way to deal with them is to squish the little mofo's and to pluck the leaves that they're on and burn them to prevent them from maturing or spreading.


Active Member
"the bible" says to crush leaf miners with your fingers. good luck with that.
Doesn't look like leaf miner pattern to me. I just got rid of leaf miners about a week ago. Def some kind of bug though. If it is really severe, use some pyrmethin, or permethrin on them. If not, use neem oil.


Well-Known Member
Fuck leaf miners. Didnt really thing they went after marijuana. I had a 6 foot sativa next to a grapefruit tree that was getting its ass kicked by em and not one got to my plant. Good luck man there a hassle.


Well-Known Member
different strains do have resistances to certain bugs mayb your sativa was resistant to them think2toke,
I can not see any bugs to crush though. With such young plants, will it hurt them to pull all the leaves that are affected? My tomatoes outside have the same thing.

It appeared, as far as I can tell, within about an hour after giving them the first worm casting foliar spray, and it slowly spread since then.

Thank you for any more input.
hydro shop said leafminers when i took in a tomatoe plant with the same symptoms. Diatomacious earth insecticide is the remedy I guess...

sprayed it on, we'll see
