What is this??

just L

Active Member
During my weekly inspection of my winter crop, I came across something new. These little sacks along the fan leaves at the top of the plant.This is the only 1 of 16 doing this.But this is 1 of 4 that im experimenting with, I have topped them to try and form 2 top colas. ive seen some people here doing and tried it. I have never seen this before, and ive done lots of grows indoors and out.The smaller leaves have curled down at the top of the plant as well. They look like pre-flower sacs, some with little white pistels. They are on both sides of the top large leaves only.

Anyone know what this is ??????????
Any help would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, the pics. arent the greatest.



Active Member
hermiaphrodite/transvestite, call it what you want..... you two can lead a decent life even but in the end it's not like being with a real women...ha ha I'm baked!

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
It is a hermaphrodite! If you don't kill it, soon it will give your chicks dicks!! And noone wants seeds in their weed. Sacrifice that he/she for the good of the crop.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Ooops, CPV, not CBV.

Anyways, I'm joking.

That is strange. I've seen that on the actual "axis" of a leaf, never on the petiole.