What is this?

gotcha. 18 for sure is a Mg defic. have you ever tried to foliar spray it with Epsom and water?? like 1 to 2 TBSP per gallon should cure that up in 2 sprays maybe 12 hrs apart.
I haven’t, never used epsom salt in my plants. Just plain RO water and sometimes fish and kelp with molasses
a foliar with epsom is the fastest way to fix a Mg issue. i would think about it before it gets worse. don't see tip burn on the 18 pics which is good.
I’ll look into getting some if the fish and kelp doesn’t work, I’m not TOO worried about it yet, not even flowering for a couple more weeks hopefully sooner. Just want to resolve the issue before flower. I’ll look into it though for sure! It’s keeping it organic right?
I’ll look into getting some if the fish and kelp doesn’t work, I’m not TOO worried about it yet, not even flowering for a couple more weeks hopefully sooner. Just want to resolve the issue before flower. I’ll look into it though for sure! It’s keeping it organic right?
what does the label on the bottle say? i know the kelp has loads of K. fish maybe N? not sure about that.

not sure about the organic part? but not only do you fix the Mg problem you also get added Sulfur which helps with the smells ALOT. brings out the terps
I’ll look into getting some if the fish and kelp doesn’t work, I’m not TOO worried about it yet, not even flowering for a couple more weeks hopefully sooner. Just want to resolve the issue before flower. I’ll look into it though for sure! It’s keeping it organic right?

Ya, that's keeping it organic. Epsom salt is just Magnesium Sulfate. Just don't get one with perfumes or other shit in it. Pure Epsom salt. And it's not really a salt, like we think of salt. There's no sodium in it.
what does the label on the bottle say? i know the kelp has loads of K. fish maybe N? not sure about that.

not sure about the organic part? but not only do you fix the Mg problem you also get added Sulfur which helps with the smells ALOT. brings out the terps
Ahhh maybe that’s why my last plant didn’t smell the best lol
Epsom salt is a crystallized form of magnesium sulfate that people use as a traditional remedy for many ailments, including constipation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve the use of Epsom salt as a laxative. Laxatives can help a person have a bowel movement when they are temporarily constipated.
Ahhh maybe that’s why my last plant didn’t smell the best lol
Your last plant didn't smell good because it was burned up. Sulfur does help with terps though, and is good shit. I was gonna mention it, but rkymtnman mentioned it first. Some of the pros spray once a week with a Epsom foliar spray for the extra Mg and S. I'm too lazy for that, so I just add it to the water sometimes.
Epsom salt is a crystallized form of magnesium sulfate that people use as a traditional remedy for many ailments, including constipation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approve the use of Epsom salt as a laxative. Laxatives can help a person have a bowel movement when they are temporarily constipated.
Could you please explain in more detail. I'm having a hard time with this one!
very true. a healthy plant will smell like a healthy plant: nice and stinky hopefully.
The happier the plants and soil, the tastier and stinkier the buds are. At least for me. When I was giving teas every watering my shit was crazy smelly and tasty, but I've gotten lazier. I'm trying to do water only for the most part now, and haven't gotten them as smelly as the teas yet. They're still smelly and tasty, but nothing like the first time with all the teas. I'm trying to figure out how to get that same dankness with mostly plain water and dry amendments, but I'm not there yet.
The happier the plants and soil, the tastier and stinkier the buds are. At least for me. When I was giving teas every watering my shit was crazy smelly and tasty, but I've gotten lazier. I'm trying to do water only for the most part now, and haven't gotten them as smelly as the teas yet. They're still smelly and tasty, but nothing like the first time with all the teas. I'm trying to figure out how to get that same dankness with mostly plain water and dry amendments, but I'm not there yet.
i do hydro so it's even harder for me i think. but sulfur is definitely good. i like dried soluble kelp too. tons of great stuff in it. and humic acid too. i don't think PK booster do crap if your nutes are good to begin with.
The happier the plants and soil, the tastier and stinkier the buds are. At least for me. When I was giving teas every watering my shit was crazy smelly and tasty, but I've gotten lazier. I'm trying to do water only for the most part now, and haven't gotten them as smelly as the teas yet. They're still smelly and tasty, but nothing like the first time with all the teas. I'm trying to figure out how to get that same dankness with mostly plain water and dry amendments, but I'm not there yet.
That’s what I want is stinky and tasty buds!! My plant is only 52 days from sprout today. I think she’s pretty happy and I’m assuming the soil is too!
That’s what I want is stinky and tasty buds!! My plant is only 52 days from sprout today. I think she’s pretty happy and I’m assuming the soil is too!
Well my first time was the stinkiest. Plain FFOF, and I kinda followed this Earth Juice Final Schedule. I always added a handful of EWC to each batch of tea too. It was a lot more work, but my house reeked like mad, and the buds tasted like nothing I've ever tasted before. I was actually a little worried at first because they had so much flavor, lol.
Well my first time was the stinkiest. Plain FFOF, and I kinda followed this Earth Juice Final Schedule. I always added a handful of EWC to each batch of tea too. It was a lot more work, but my house reeked like mad, and the buds tasted like nothing I've ever tasted before. I was actually a little worried at first because they had so much flavor, lol.
I’ll have to try that next run. I haven’t fed a single tea. I also lent my 5 gallon bucket to my sister on 4th of July and never got it back lol
I’ll have to try that next run. I haven’t fed a single tea. I also lent my 5 gallon bucket to my sister on 4th of July and never got it back lol
Get a new bucket, an aquarium air pump, and a couple stones. I'd get the good stones. I use 2 smalls for a single 5 gal, or 6 mediums hooked up to a big pump that I use with a Rubbermaid tub. These stones can be cleaned in a pot of boiling water, and come out like new again.

Then, I'd buy a pump and some hose to make watering easier. I take the filters out so the EWC and good stuff get fed to the plant too. Like a tea and top dressing at the same time.

This is a pump that would work for a 5 gal, or go to Walmart and but a cheaper one.
Get a new bucket, an aquarium air pump, and a couple stones. I'd get the good stones. I use 2 smalls for a single 5 gal, or 6 mediums hooked up to a big pump that I use with a Rubbermaid tub. These stones can be cleaned in a pot of boiling water, and come out like new again.

Then, I'd buy a pump and some hose to make watering easier. I take the filters out so the EWC and good stuff get fed to the plant too. Like a tea and top dressing at the same time.

This is a pump that would work for a 5 gal, or go to Walmart and but a cheaper one.
I have an air pump and stones already, I was going to be making teas every couple weeks but meh lol I’ll get another bucket tomorrow I think. Could I possibly mix Epsom salt into the teas?