What is this white thing growing next to and killing my young plant!?!?


Active Member
I have tried to research this and couldn't find a similar story and I have no idea what it is. Just to give a layout of my stuff I am growing one plant under 8 23watt CFL's (half 2700k, half 5000k). Because I did this all under a really low budget I settled for mg organic soil, and am using two mg fertilizers (veg fert is 12-6-12, flowering is 6-12-6). The plant is now 11 days old and I have been watered every two days or so. Yesterday was the first time I gave it any fertilizer because it was having issues. The plant edges were purple so I stopped turning off the cfl's to let them cool and I put the plant closer to the lights. And the plant has been really pale which is why I gave it some fertilizer yesterday (was going to wait for two weeks). For about 6-7 days it has been the same size and I have had the coloring issues I mentioned above but now I am certain I know why. This morning I dropped my girlfriend off at work at 11am, I checked the plant before I left and it looked normal other than the listed problems. When I came back I checked it again just after 1pm and noticed this big white thing I believe is some kind of plant or weed. At first I thought I just dropped something in the soil but when I tried to lightly pull it out I could tell it had roots holding it in place. So I know it is some kind of plant or weed but I am afraid that if I pull it out it could destroy the cannabis plant if the roots have tangled or anything. But this has to be it! I think this white thing has been stealing nutes, light, and water so the cannabis plant can't grow. What would you do?



Active Member
I was planning on it but I am afraid lol. I will try it though. Should I use a knife or something to cut the roots carefully?


Well-Known Member
no you want the roots to come up too, try digging around it a little, wiggling it and getting as much root as you can out of it


Well-Known Member
Snip it off below the surface. If it grows back, do it again. Eventually it will die. No stray unwanted seeds in hydro. I've heard of baking the soil before use to kill off unwanted seeds, but best done outside the house. Yeah, I know, too late now.


Active Member
Well it didn't take much at all, I just kind of dug around it and I was able to pull it out (including the roots). I dug a little bit more to see if I could find anymore roots but I couldn't so I think it is finished. It looks like a mushroom to me but I do not know here is a picture.



Active Member
What is that exactly? I am sure you all can tell I am new but I do not know what a spore is but that sounds bad.


Well-Known Member
spores are sorta like seeds to a mushroom. They are small enough the wind can carry them.


Active Member
Well that would suck next time I am definitely going to make my own soil but I was pressed for time. I move out in may and I am barely going to meet the deadline to harvest before I move. Also I am broke as shit. Time to start killing mushrooms :twisted:.


Well-Known Member
Nice shroom grow! lol I'm wondering if you're keeping things too wet/damp. So let things dry more would be my suggestion...


Active Member
Well maybe I can attempt to reason with the aliens in my soil. If I am unsuccessful I could always go to war... But as far as I know there was only one alien and it is now dead or will be soon.