what is this white powder on my plants

Yeah, basically they vampired my hibiscus bush…had to cut it down. Those little fuckers got a protective shell that makes them hard to kill. I work at a plant nursery and we recommend a systemic for this, however, this would be a horrible ideal for weed because you’ll be smoking the pesticide that the plant took in through the root system.
Horrible. The worst that happened to me so far… Let a gorgeous, perfect plant outside while cleaning the tent, few days later theres just huge chunks missing from several leaves, I panicked, scoured the plant, and found 1 fat ass little caterpillar just living his best life. I didn’t even kill it, I figured if I were a bug, that’s what I would want to eat too.
This the first time I’ve seen mealy bugs take interest in a cannabis plant. That’s why I’m keeping my shit indoors. So far the only pest I’ve dealt with is fungus gnats.
This the first time I’ve seen mealy bugs take interest in a cannabis plant. That’s why I’m keeping my shit indoors. So far the only pest I’ve dealt with is fungus gnats.
Right?? It took one episode of bugs and I’m like sorry girls, never playing outside again. Which was a little bit sad, when they got under the sun they raised their hands to praise the sun gods, loved it. But immediately got a caterpillar and some of those leave burrowing assholes, but that was relatively easy to handle at least.
I've had a touch of mealybug eggs like that here and there this summer, sprayed with insecticidal soap and it seems to have taken care of it, just be sure to inspect carefully and spray anything suspect. At a quick glance yours don't seem like a lost cause to me, but maybe that's just optimism talking.
Your plant looks pretty much fcked to me already to be honest. I agree with those who think scales or mealy bugs. You can try using a q-tip with isopropanol and wipe it off. But I would just throw the whole thing out. Moving forward treat with neem as a preventative. Not sure it works on those bugs but it works on a lot.
tha nks. I cut off the budsi could save since they looked done.