What is this? +rep!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. okay so this is my first grow and i've def learned alot from all you guys here so THANKS sooo much but here is another problem i just ran into.

Im on 12/12 now for about a week and a half maybe 2 and the plant was doing amazing till i check today and it kinda looks like heat stress but im not sure..

Im using Shultz prefert soil ( ewwwy i know)

about 8 cfls. ALl 2700K and 2 6500K.

Got 2, 5" fans stacked for exhaust and a 3inch passive intake hole. (Should this be bigger?)

There is 2 plants but only this plant seems to be burning? And its only the new leaves coming. Can anyone tell me why? Temps are around 78-90 depending on the day now.

The other plant doesnt seem to be burning at all.. So why this one?

Im not sure if this piece of info is a help but the plant is about 2 months old. Maybe a little more.. It was left on a window and grew for like 3 weeks and then killed when i got it.. had like 1 node haha.. and it was all nute burnt. And somehow i broughtit back to life .. muhahaha ... anyways im not sure if that is significant or not. But please help :P This is my first grow and im waiting for my hps light to arrive.

I have added maybe 1-2 more cfls from the pictures. And all lights were like 2 inchs from plants. I moved them up about 4 inchs now after this happened.



Well-Known Member
this appears to be 'cupping', happens when the temps get too high
that it's only happening high up is pretty diagnostic
more ventilation if you can, moving the cfl's back did help, but 2 inches is a good distance if you could bring down the temps a bit


Well-Known Member
well I transplanted into this pot with this soil after it died. But It was growing fine till now. The reason i dont think its nute burn is cause its like curling leaves and only on new growth. I did move the cfls up a bit and i turned the fans on high. So should i make a little bigger intake hole. There is no fan blowing into the box its just a hole cause with the exhaust fans it made pressure i did believe? lol. Maybe ill have to make a bigger intake hole and stick a fan blowing in as well?


Well-Known Member
if it was nute burned b4,it may be hypersensitive to nutes already in the soil.
as for intake, it should be larger than your exhaust hole


Well-Known Member
i thought ur intake was suppose to be smaller so it created the suction ? And i still have not added any nutes... It grew fine till yesterday. Been in the same soil for 3 weeks now..


Well-Known Member
Just bumping this thread. I moved my lights up a little bit and i did cut my intake hole a little more. But i let it go all night and checked it this morning before work and the temps were really high again... Is it possible that those 12 cfls may be too hot? haha. I ordered a 150W hps to put in there so that should help.. If i take out all the cfls and put in the 150W HPS and maybe leave 1-2 cfls hanging on the sides would the temps be better. Just curious on the heat output from a 150?


Well-Known Member
Just bumping this thread. I moved my lights up a little bit and i did cut my intake hole a little more. But i let it go all night and checked it this morning before work and the temps were really high again... Is it possible that those 12 cfls may be too hot? haha. I ordered a 150W hps to put in there so that should help.. If i take out all the cfls and put in the 150W HPS and maybe leave 1-2 cfls hanging on the sides would the temps be better. Just curious on the heat output from a 150?
Im new to this but I think it might be a Zinc deficiency, apparently its the most common deficiency in a cannabis plant (according to Jorge Cervantes in his book, Marajuana Horticulture).

Jorge Cervantes said:
Zinc is the most commonly micro-nutrient found deficient. First younger leaves exhibit interveinal chlorosis, and new leaves and growing tips develop small thin blades that contort and wrinkle.

The leaf tips, and later the margins, discolour and burn. Burned spots on the leaves could grow progressively larger. These symptoms are ofter confused with a lack of manganese or iron, bur when zinc defiency is severe, new leaf blades contort and dry out. Flower buds also contort into odd shapes, turn crispy dry, and are often hard. A lack of zinc stunts all new growth, including buds.

Zinc deficiencies are most often found in soils with a pH of 7 or higher.
Does your soil have micronutrients or is it just the larger nutrients? Also check the pH of your soil. Hope this helps, I recognised the problem from the pictures in the book.


Active Member
Increase the size of the intake hole and keep those fans on high. If the exhaust fans are working correctly you should be able to feel a nice gust of air hitting your hand. Wrapping the box in the insulating thermo blanket is probably the majority of the heat issue alone. those blankets are designed to hold heat in!!!


Well-Known Member
hmmm... it all looks good to me bro. I actually like the structure of your plant.. not too tall.. not too short. Just right like you wanted it huh.

I like to keep my plants below 2.5 feet tall. I like to grow medium height bushes. :)

good job man.. looks good to me.



Well-Known Member
ya i did increase the hole and today im gonna get a fan actually blowing in the intake hole and throw another fan on the bottom of my cabnit blowing up at the lights