what is this Plz help

very green


I am growing kush and white rhino..

I am using ph of 6 in soilless medium under a 1000 watt hps and metal h. Only one light. I water 2 to 3 times a week and feed 2 of those times. My plants were a bit diffecient I am seeing brown spots on some Here is a picture

rust spots 2.jpgrust spots.jpg

Plz help


Well-Known Member
The second leaf is a Mg deficiency. The first leaf could be a number of things. The PH is on the high side. Try to lower it between 5.1 - 5.9 and make sure your nutes have Ca and Mg. If not, supplement it with Cal-Mag.


Active Member
Feeding them too much nutes, perhaps? Also, the PH seems a bit high for soiless, try to get the PH down to 5.5.

very green

I just added a new nutrient ( yesterday) it has all of the magniseium...borron...copper........ the extras so I hope that helps. The brown spots I am concerned it is mold... but cant find any pictures to compare... I can mostly see allot of deficiency... what do you guys think about that.

ph is at 5.8 as of yesterday

also thinnking of using SAFERS Defender.... not sure it its a good idea?