What is This?? PICS INCLUDED

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Get a high P guano and make a tea for it, and top dress some bone meal on it for the long term, Or get some Super Bloom. It's higher than hell in P, just use it 1/2 strength at the very strongest. I'd personally do a 1/4 strength.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
well holy shit.. thats EXACTLY what my bigger fan leaves look like... what would help? what contains enough phosphorus that would reverse this and get it back to lush-green?

You aint gonna "reverse" the necrotic tissue. It's dead and gone. all you can do at this point is stop the progression. Bone meal is slow release, and I think you need a bit of quick action. The High P guano tea should do that after a couple of applications. Sorry about these answers, but I only use chemical ferts as a last resort (Kinda like the situation you're in. Been there, done that!!) Best of luck.
You aint gonna "reverse" the necrotic tissue. It's dead and gone. all you can do at this point is stop the progression. Bone meal is slow release, and I think you need a bit of quick action. The High P guano tea should do that after a couple of applications. Sorry about these answers, but I only use chemical ferts as a last resort (Kinda like the situation you're in. Been there, done that!!) Best of luck.
just wanna say thanks!The heat/sun i was telling you about i think is the culprit. By looking at the link at the sun/light burn section, that is exactly what most of my plant looks like. Might be a total write-off. 8 weeks of hard work for nothing. not a good day. not a good day.
hey, you're from Southern Onatrio.. did you not have the deadliest hottest day yesterday?? lol Im in toronto and the humidex reached 49... 49!!!!!!!
Yessireee, I just can't believe the weather we have been having here. . . It's been FOUR WEEKS of NO RAIN in my area of Southern Ontario (Cambridge aka Kitchener-Waterloo Region) and we have had temperatures with a humidex well over the 40*C mark for perhaps 70-80% of the time. . . Just deadly hot. . . The plants are all yellow, grass is all yellow, everything is just dying unless you have watered it. . . and I mean everything lol. . .
And don't believe what people say about misting with the lights on, cause I foliar feed all the time with the lights on and have NEVER seen that happen in 10 years of growing. If its something like neem oil then I wouldn't recommend spraying in direct sunlight but just water you will be fine
In regards to the number of factors which can be at play on foliar spray burns, I cannot say that you are correct or incorrect in your statement "not to believe what people say about misting with the lights on", just as I also cannot say that you MUST NOT water them during the day, because perhaps you may...

So many factors are at play here: Temperature, the hours of light exposure every day, time of day(IF outdoors), humidity, the age of the plant, if it has been recently brought outdoors from indoors, the genetics of the plants play a massive role as some plants can survive lower or hotter temperatures than others, and the same goes with altitude.

There are just far too many factors for me to say not to worry about it, I simply wouldn't recommend it, although depending on your plants, you can always be willing to give it a shot to see if your plants can handle it, and if so, then you're in luck and this is a very nice feature for your plants to have - after all, it is a admirable feature, just as how some plants are less susceptible to mold. . .