What is This?? PICS INCLUDED

I'm gonna guess it's from a new fertilizer i tried once... I went from a 7-15-7 to a 15-30-15 which is "flowering plant" one (but used 1/2 the recommened dosage) cuz my plant is showing a shit load of pistils in the last 2 weeks. Its about 7 weeks old.The only other thing is that yesterday it was 120 degrees or (49 celsius)although the leaves WEREN'T misted causing a magnifying effectWhat do you guys think caused this?? and what should I doany advice helps..


If it isn't from the 120F weather you have been having, then it would be very very very slight fert burns to me. You might have gotten a drip or two of solution on your leaves as you were watering, and it wasn't a foliar spray, OR there was just a smidgity-smidgen-smidge too much ferts used, and your baby didn't like all that juice. . . It's no biggie, you 99.9% likely won't even lose a single leaf because it does not look severe enough, whatsoever.

My main suspicion, the other thing is, with 120F heat, that is simply not human. . . or plant for that matter, and I believe strongly that the weather is to blame. One possibility is it has caused simple over-transpiration (Too much moisture loss at once - consider it the plant form of sweating). Plants like marijuana do not generally enjoy temperatures beyond 105 (105 is the most extreme case), BUT it also all depends on pheonotype. Some strains are grown in extremely arid, hot climates, and thus are much more likely to thrive in high temperatures. Others thrive in cooler or wetter, or higher or lower latitudes, etc. . . I mean imagine if an indoor grow room reached 120F. . . the effect on your plants would probably be deadly!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go with slight burn too. I had a breaker blow in one of my rooms the other day and when I went in there it was like 115 degrees but luckily it wasn't for long so no damage was done, if left too long it will cook your plants from the inside out
I'm gonna go with slight burn too. I had a breaker blow in one of my rooms the other day and when I went in there it was like 115 degrees but luckily it wasn't for long so no damage was done, if left too long it will cook your plants from the inside out
thanks for the reply. what would you recommend? flushing with straight water (mainly just a slight over water?) or just business as usual?
If it isn't from the 120F weather you have been having, then it would be very very very slight fert burns to me. You might have gotten a drip or two of solution on your leaves as you were watering, and it wasn't a foliar spray, OR there was just a smidgity-smidgen-smidge too much ferts used, and your baby didn't like all that juice. . . It's no biggie, you 99.9% likely won't even lose a single leaf because it does not look severe enough, whatsoever.

My main suspicion, the other thing is, with 120F heat, that is simply not human. . . or plant for that matter, and I believe strongly that the weather is to blame. One possibility is it has caused simple over-transpiration (Too much moisture loss at once - consider it the plant form of sweating). Plants like marijuana do not generally enjoy temperatures beyond 105 (105 is the most extreme case), BUT it also all depends on pheonotype. Some strains are grown in extremely arid, hot climates, and thus are much more likely to thrive in high temperatures. Others thrive in cooler or wetter, or higher or lower latitudes, etc. . . I mean imagine if an indoor grow room reached 120F. . . the effect on your plants would probably be deadly!
hey, you're from Southern Onatrio.. did you not have the deadliest hottest day yesterday?? lol Im in toronto and the humidex reached 49... 49!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
And don't believe what people say about misting with the lights on, cause I foliar feed all the time with the lights on and have NEVER seen that happen in 10 years of growing. If its something like neem oil then I wouldn't recommend spraying in direct sunlight but just water you will be fine


Well-Known Member
Shit it was like 105 degrees where I live yesterday. I woke up at 8 this morning and it's already 95, I like warm weather but this shit is tooooooo much

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
From the looks of things I'd say a Phosphorus Def.1134Phosphorus-deficiency1.jpg

Give them some bone meal, or you can get a fast acting chemical fert. Are you flowering them? they start craving P real bad in flower. Along with Cal/Mag, Copper, Boron, and a few others.
You can't reverse the necrotic tissue. It's dead and gone. You can stop it's progression tho..


Well-Known Member
Its very possible that your flowering already, keep your veg food going until you know for sure. Can you post a pic of your whole plant?


Well-Known Member
wow your quick now can you get a pic of the very top of the plant, could be flowering but can't tell. And she (hopefully) looks really good


Well-Known Member
well holy shit.. thats EXACTLY what my bigger fan leaves look like... what would help? what contains enough phosphorus that would reverse this and get it back to lush-green?

From looking at the pic you just posted I don't see what your talking about with the fan leaves?
From looking at the pic you just posted I don't see what your talking about with the fan leaves?
both these pics were taken today.. one shows the black-like crispy, curling to the bigger leaves..the 2nd is a top view like u asked for (the best i could do) I just hope it clears up or doesnt affect the pistils or the new growth etc.



Well-Known Member
that fan leaf is at the bottom right? wouldn't worry to much about it but I would say yes it is starting to bloom. Keep you veg food going for a little while longer or your gonna run into a problems the 3rd to 4th week of flowering. Plant looks green and healthy to me, your on the right path and good luck. If you need anymore help feel free to ask, that what We're here for