What is this? Mold?

Just that leaf, or everywhere?
What's the underside look like?
Was another leaf-tip touching it?

Regardless, (to err on the side of caution) get rid of that leaf.
That looks like a bug has been eating your leaf. @Master_Tabi said leaf miner. It very well could be. But it not mold it is most likely something eating you leaves. Do you have any sticky traps out. Those yellow sticky traps are good for diagnosis they could give you a heads up when bad bugs invade
Not mold, leaf miner as they said up there. I had that once when I had a plant outside.
20181218_002853.jpg 20181218_002756.jpg
It does slightly look like a leaf miner but these are more spots than trails. I tried my best to get a better shot of the spots and added the underside of the leaf of that helps with diagnosing

*edit* there seem to be only two affected leaves, they were relatively close together when I noticed the spots
View attachment 4250552 View attachment 4250553
It does slightly look like a leaf miner but these are more spots than trails. I tried my best to get a better shot of the spots and added the underside of the leaf of that helps with diagnosing

*edit* there seem to be only two affected leaves, they were relatively close together when I noticed the spots
cut em off and flush them.
it certainly does look like leaf miners. you don't really know what it is till they hatch out. leaf miner covers the burrowing larvae of several types of insects. some of them will just fly away when they emerge, and some will turn around and try to eat our plant. but none of them are doing your plant any good while they're in there. the surest way to get rid of the problem is to get rid of the effected leaves, especially while there are only two.
spinosad will help if it spreads. it's a good, close to organic pesticide that has a short half life, and it has a systemic effect, where it penetrates the plant it's used on. that means a good healthy spraying of the effected leaves should kill the larvae eating them from the inside out
That’s thrip damage
might be, looks a little well spaced for miners. you ought to see thrips though, little green flying bugs(they come in different colors, but the ones eating weed are usually green, think they get their color from what they're eating)...put out some yellow stickys, see if you catch anything...i've read that blue sticky traps work better for thrips, but i've never seen blue sticky traps.....if you find any thrips on your stickys, i'd spray with either spinosad or pyrethrin. neem works too, but i hate it (personal preference....i hate the odor)
a little diatomaceous earth on the tops of your pots won't hurt either, helps kill the larval stage, and the adults trying to lay eggs
Okay infected leaves removed, now hopefully I dont find any others popping up anywhere in the next few days. I also have those yellow sticky traps, its clean other than a flying insect, possibly a flying ant.
these are what you're looking for...the adults just look like small flies, the larvae look like evil fucking scorpion things...220px-Ponticulothrips_diospyrosi.jpg identify-get-rid-of-thrips.jpg Thrips-Species.png
most of the ones i've seen on weed have been greener than these, i think they pick up coloration from their diet
these are what you're looking for...the adults just look like small flies, the larvae look like evil fucking scorpion things...View attachment 4250571 View attachment 4250572 View attachment 4250573
most of the ones i've seen on weed have been greener than these, i think they pick up coloration from their diet
I cant seem to find any insects apart from the one single insect on my sticky trap, I treated them with pyrethrin roughly a week ago also which is why I thought it could be mold. Im growing autos and my girls are all very bushy, could I start some light defoliation to help with finding these insects?
maybe you just got lucky and just dragged one in with you, and it's died now. just keep an eye out over the next week or two and make sure it didn't lay any eggs. if you see any kind of damage before you go into flower, spray the shit out of them