Not the best way to determine if your girl(s) are ready to be chopped. Fail proof way is to pick up a scope (try and get at least a 30x) and monitor the bulbs on the trichs. It seems everybody has there own take on when to cut. I prefer more of a heady high rather than total couch lock. So with indica's I usually cut when I see about 50% cloudy, 50% amber. The bulbs start out clear, as they mature they change from clear to cloudy and then finally amber. Clear/cloudy is more of a head high and amber is more of a body (couch lock) high. It's all what your own preference is. Just try your best to be patient. Myself, I have spent hours and hours tending to my girls this summer, last thing I would want to do is waste all that time and effort and cut early and not get full potential out of my plants. They also usually put on a lot of bulk the last week or two.