what is this? dust from clay pellets or a threat to my angel?


I know it's kind of hard to see it, but it's the reddish on the inside. I'm trying to tell myself it's nothing, but a professional opinion would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Looks healthy to me! Do you mean that tiny intersection in the center where new leaf growth will come from? Should be okay. Give it a couple of days, and you should just have new growth from there.
Dang, I hope so man. Scared the dickens out of me. I've been googling everything about White Castle and shit trying to find out if it was a common issue. I didn't really think it was a deficiency where it was so early on and it's just living in rockwool as I wait for the roots to appear. I gave her her first nute bath tonight in a 30-40% strength solution. Should be good. Let us all join hands and pray.


Active Member
Looks good to me. Picture in the middle is a little fuzzy but the new set of leaves look fine!

- SB -
Legit! Thanks guys! Really appreciate the comments. Makes me roll with a bit more confidence! First time doing Hydro instead of bag seed/outdoor. So I am very cautious.
I use normal spring water. ph balance it and then use cns17 at 40%...should i add cal/mag to the water too? and perhaps H2o2? Or will my plant be happy in what she has. She began getting a little yellow on the inner leave. I moved the light an extra 3" away to see if that will fix that. God I miss good old soil....lol