What is this coming out of my bud?


Active Member
well there is deff more then 1 on the plant theres atleast 7 i seen from top to bottom... i started my grow in a different spot and had to move from a whole room to a much smaller box and had some heat issuses in the beginning... i am also growing bag sead from some pretty good bud but i am not suprised if it is a herm... if they are bananas and just showing in my 5th week should i pick all i can see and just finish her off to 7 weeks? maybe get no seads or just few immature seads? i just dont know how to go about this and getting rid of it is a no even tho i also have a clone from another plant in there also flowering.....


Active Member
sounds like your sure its hermied. at 5 weeks thats a fkin nightmare. you got to just pluck them out and carry on. check twice daily.


Active Member
ill see whats up with some more pictures tomorrow, i just did a lil re search while waiting for a reply and i seen pics of the bananas and they look like it to me... yea dude it is a nightmare cuz she was doing so well and this is my first grow, i believe i stressed her out in a couple different ways.... Ferts, Heat, maybe even light leaks...... i guess ill just pluck away tomorrow at lights on but ill snap some pics for yall...


Active Member
even if they are bananas and u do end up choppin a little earlier, well in my experience when this as happened though ive never noticed bananas comin out the bud ! but say they are, u chop early triches will blow ya head off, ok get a lil less ! but man the high is right there !!
what i did was chop at six weeks coz i was removing tiny little tester buds and they had seeds in, so chopped imediatly, but like i sed the high was outstanding m8, good look to ya in whatever u choose to do allong the way


Active Member
Thanks for the reply's all of you i really appreciate it... So my lights just went on im gonna finish smoking this Cig "YUK" i know its bad lol then wash my hands and hit up the flower room, ill take some more pics for yall.... i might also test a bottom bud....


Active Member
well its the only plant in my garden thats budding a lot lol shes/Hes about 1ft 3 inches buds all over.... i got 3 more in the back in Veg still on 12/12 topped not producing any flowers yet, and one clone that is budding ... the plants that i topped look like they got some retarded leaves growing.. i might chop a lil early im in my 5th week of flowering...
Hermie... just pluck them as you go along. Finish the grow. I got that shit before in like the 6th week of flowering. Trimming takes forever just to make sure you get everything out.

Is your room COMPLETELY light sealed?


Active Member
esteban well i started in a full room with no light leaks forsure but i had to move to a much smaller box and i tried my best to keep it sealed up from the light with Garbage bags Ect... But im almost positive some light got in there, i moved her from the whole room to the box just 3 weeks into flowering and i had no choice because i had fam coming from out of town.... im almost positive it is from stress but like i said i could be wrong because this is bag sead and if you got seads n a bag of bud its most likely from a hermie


Well-Known Member
Hermy for sure those are bananas. If your 5 weeks in id just keep a close eye on it, Turn down any cir fans u got going incase one does release pollen it doesn't go EVERY WHERE. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
i had tons of light leaks and no hermie. i grew half inside, half out, transplanted during flowering - broke some roots (embarrassed to admit), freezing cold temps. maybe it's just genetics.

i found my seeds in a bag too!


Active Member
well i have one fan going and its the outtake fan if i turn it off it will get to hot in there door closed with fan on im at 75.5 if i turn it off it will most deff hit high 80's......or o could turn it off and leave the door open until lights off