What is this called ?


I am growing Tangerine Dream from barneys, and when i took a cut it looked like this...
CIMG2224.jpg View attachment 2052126
I have never seen that before.
I am planning to top all my plants, would that stop the development of the three shoots instead of just two ?


Well-Known Member
i have had this in the past and in time it will prob grow back to 2 its just a mutant ;-) happy growing ;-)

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I am growing Tangerine Dream from barneys, and when i took a cut it looked like this...
View attachment 2052125 View attachment 2052126
I have never seen that before.
I am planning to top all my plants, would that stop the development of the three shoots instead of just two ?
What he said ^ ..

We've all had the odd tri-leafer, but sadly, most the time it's just a mutant leaf, NOT the whole plant, and you can't really clone and expect to get 3 leaves on child plants. As I was typing that line of text though, it occured to me, that I'm sure it WOULD be possible to create a strain that usually produces 3 leaves/nodes (Indeed, it has probably already been created - somwhere), but you'd have to grow masses of plants, collect seed, then germinate your next generation of plants - picking ONLY plants that display the trait, re-breeding, re-selecting, yada yada.. but then, I also have a gut feeling for some reason that you could take a tri mother and tri father, and out of 100 seeds you may still end up with NO tri babies.

Really, if three-leaved plants were 'doable'-Strain-wise, surely the big breeders would want ALL their strains to have the trait: 50% MORE of everything - you'd get - if the whole plant was a tri.

Triple S

Active Member
I had a seedling that grew only one leaf at the second node and when it grew made a bud in one leave and few pistils in other leaves


okay thanks for the replies :) first time i had a little mutant :D
gonna post some pics here if it is going to show more fun...


Well-Known Member
That is called triaxel whorling my brothA . It is a common mutation of south African plants and Mel frank has observed it yeilding largely . I have had three in my tenure as a gardener one outdoors on a bubba kush cross that tri'ed up the merristem and yeilded over five pounds at eleven feet in height! It only tri'ed on a few branches... A honumon haze went for seven bracts before going back to alternation.... May I ask do you use super thrive? What are your nutes.


Okay, I wonder if clones from it would also be triaxel ?
no super thrive, they got some danish cloning powder, and a light feed of bio bizz grow.
Im using biobizz ferts through the entire grow.