What is this bug?


Well-Known Member
What is this bug? The 1st and 3rd pics are of leaf damage, the middle one is of the bug itself (I think.)

Do damage? Control?



Well-Known Member
All right. Thanks for the stab danny. There is also some crystalline looking substance on some leaves, as if coarse salt or sugar were dropped on them.


New Member
Don't know what the critter is but I am pretty sure the corkscrew ain't gonna kill em! LOL! JK Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Leaf hopper seems right. Caught five more last night - I read they liked the color yellow and so l started looking into the developing buds and there they were. Like one per flower. Am going to the hardware store to check out traps or maybe a spray. Ladybugs too maybe, if anybody has them.


Active Member
It looks suspiciously like thrip damage to me. I despise those creatures. Are leaf-hoppers another name for thrips guys?
Yo 2 all, can any1 help? I've gt these tiny White lice looking things in my reservoir and brain pot 2 my flood and drain system!
Any comments would b appreciated""""!!"""" sorry no pics at the min either!!!!


Active Member
home depot has EcoSmart spray,and ladybugs are found in nurseries. 10$ for about 1500,some dead lol


Active Member
if you move the camera back a tiny bit on that one photo with the corkscrew the lens will be focused on the bug and then you can zoom in on it digitally and we can identify a little more easily. my best friend for identifying bugs is the GH poster for Azamax that they always have at hydro shops;).