What is this and should I cut it out or leave it?


Active Member
Looks like bud rot to me. I’m fighting it too. Had to cut some out this week and with steady rain the past few days I’m definitely worried.


Active Member
So far, I’ve just chopped off the infected portion. I have at least a few weeks before harvest and I’m trying to save all I can. Time will tell though. I’m heading down to my grow site with a leaf blower as soon as this rain stops.


Active Member
I’ve always cut it off completely when I’ve had it happen, it sucks after all the time and work for sure.
I'm glad I cut it off completely like you said. I'm smoking the healthy portion of the cola above from where I cut it right now and it's a great high :) even though the buds on this plant are still pretty loose. The pistils haven't even drawn in yet. The rest of this is going to be awesome!

