What is the smallest harvest you have had?

average grow

Active Member
I feel like my plants are guna be low producers and i'm not sure what the least amount of weed they can produce is. So what are your guys' lowest yields off of one plant?


Active Member
indeed, only reason i havent binned it is cos its the only girl of that strain i have, said ill grow it out, got pics? its all about educated guesses

Gary Busey

New Member
I got like 3 grams from a plant once. 12/12 from seed grown in 3 liter soda bottles, with CFLs. Overall, I got 44 grams from the entire harvest, from 148 watts of CFL.


Well-Known Member
My first COMPLETE grow.

A LONG time ago.

Totally ghetto.

Incandescent grow light in a cardboard box.

Pulled an eighth off of it and it tasted like hay.

But it did the trick.

And it was MINE.

My very first harvest.


Active Member
great first grow haha total harvest failure, total growing success

My first COMPLETE grow.

A LONG time ago.

Totally ghetto.

Incandescent grow light in a cardboard box.

Pulled an eighth off of it and it tasted like hay.

But it did the trick.

And it was MINE.

My very first harvest.


Well-Known Member
Im on my first harvest 6 plants hoping for 8oz , some are monster some are not it all depends on the lights and genetics of the plant.


Well-Known Member
2 grams. in all seriousness. it was 5 years ago before i joined the forum. 3 bag seeds in 1 1 gallon pot, under 1 100 watt incandescent light. it was 12/12 from seed and i harvested it in like week 3 of flower........ only 1 of the 3 was female.

to say the least it wasn't even enough to get me high and it tasted like shit....literally.

Incandescent grow light in a cardboard box.

Pulled an eighth off of it and it tasted like hay.
me and this guy ^ sounds like we roll together hahaha


Active Member
I hear ya brother .. when I was a teenager I sprouted a bagseed in my window in a 32 oz. styrophome cup ... it was like a bonzi - got one little bud on top that dried up to less than a good joint - like a small bowl . Dont remeber if I got a buzz or not tbh ... I was just tickled that I grew it myself and it lived .....


Well-Known Member
i started growing at 14 years old and my first good harvest was when i was 16 i had like 7 pounds i felt like king in the high school....lol


Well-Known Member
great first grow haha total harvest failure, total growing success
I never considered it a failure at all.

The previous grows could be considered failures. Many were started, but I never could close the deal.

The example I gave was the very first time I brought a plant all the way through its grow cycles to harvest. And to be honest, I was lucky because looking back there was SO MUCH about growing I did not understand at the time.

So yeah, an eighth off a scrawny little plant may not be impressive. But it was my very first. And it was MINE.

You are absolutely right about the growing success because it was just the beginning. Each succeeding harvest grew larger as I gained experience, refined my techniques, and acquired the proper equipment.


Well-Known Member
1st grow done last yr-10 bag seeds planted 1st week of july(was trying a 12/12 from seed outdoors thing),7 went male,2 hermied-the 1girl That made it finished at 16" and I got 3.5 g's dry. This was just a "what the hell" grow, threw the seeds in my veg garden only got watered when garden did and no ferts just some compost topping-honestly it was pathetic. This year things are a lil different ;-)

average grow

Active Member
I have two growing right now. They are about 7 or 8 inches tall. They have been growing for 1 month exactly today. They are on the 3rd node. Think im on the right track?


Well-Known Member
About 1/8 off 2 plants in my closet with 2 13 watt cfl's...It was absolutely pathetic, but it was my very first attempt. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing, but one fuck up was enough for me to learn.