What is the secret?


Well-Known Member
I want to know the secret.... I want to know exactly how it is that some of you more experienced growers can make your plant flower and get those enormous colas? I've researched and researched but that wont tell me the secrets to how you guys get those big ass buds? Any and all advice on how to make my plants and make them yeild BIG would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You want the secret? ... here it is.

Leaves are where photosynthesis - the process in which sunlight combines with CO2 and water and is taken up by the roots to manufacture food (carbohydrates) for the plant - takes place and oxygen is released as a by-product. Plants regulate small openings, stomata, on leaf undersides to allow CO2 to enter and oxygen to exit. When open, stomata allow water vapor to escape in the process of transpiration.

Roots anchor a plant in the ground and absorb water, nutrients, and air. Hydroponics allows absorption of water, nutrients, and air at an accelerated rate. Tiny root hairs increase the surface area for absorption. These root hairs are very delicate and must be moist at all times. Large roots are similar to stems. They transport water and dissolved minerals (fertilizer) in the phloem.

Stems have vascular systems to transport water and nutrients throught the plant. The xylem carries water and dissolved minerals from roots to leaves. The phloem transports food manufactured by the leaves to the stem and roots. The vascular cambium is the growth zone that produces xylem on the one side and phloem on the other. The stem also supports the plant and bears leaves, buds, flowers. and fruit.

Plants have five basic needs. Each one amounts 20 percent of a plants ability to grow to its maximum potential. When all of these needs are met at the maximum, the result is maximum growth (20% x 5= 100%)! If one of the needs arrives at only 15 percent, all growth is impaired equally (15% x 5= 75%). If two or more of the basic need are not met, growth slows quickly. Even with the best hydroponic system money can buy, in a garden where relative-air humidity is 80 percent when it should be about 50 percent, growth will be limited. The dollars and high hopes invested in a hydroponic system can easily be 'dashed' in a cloud of hot, humid air.

Air 20%
- Temperature
- Humidity
- CO2 and O2 content

Light 20%
- Spectrum
- Intensity
- Photoperiod

Water 20%
- Temperature
- pH
- EC
- Oxygen content

Nutrients 20%
- Composition
- Purity

Growing Medium 20%
- Air content
- Moisture content


Well-Known Member
thanks major toke, the info was helpful... I guess its just experience? and I doubt im going to come out with something better than what you got there.... but I can dream, can't I?


Well-Known Member
Very Nice! What strain was it? I've got equiv. the same setup but growing some primo bag seed. If I get that from both combined, I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member

It all depends on what light you are using, if it’s HID, standard fluoro or compact fluoro (I assume you're not using halogens!). For HID (HPS or MH) lighting, use roughly 30w per square foot, and for flowering use around 60w per square foot. This is merely a guide, your plant, light height; reflective surfaces etc make a huge difference on these numbers. For a small plant, below 1ft tall, I’d say you would need at least 25w of fluorescent light. I find that it isn't at all practical to use tube fluoro’s for the vegetative stage past 6 inches, as only the top of the plant is receiving enough light to carry out photosynthesis properly.

Using an energy saving compact fluoro will help 'push' the light to the base of the plant, assisting photosynthesis. If the plant indicates it needs more light by growing slowly, and with small leaf petioles, you may need more light. Go with the basic rule of keeping the fluoro’s very close, and using roughly 20-30w per square foot for strong vegetative growth. If you can afford to over-light your grow room, why not? You wont regret it when your plant is bushy and healthy. If you feel that you need to only purchase a minimum amount of lights, you probably shouldn’t be growing.

Growing takes effort and money, and if you can't support a plants needs you might as well just forget growing until you can afford a proper setup. Skimping on lights is the biggest mistake a grower can make, because photosynthesis is so important to for a health plant.