What is the purpose of poor people?

H.M. Murdoch

Well-Known Member
If the lower class and the poor and the homeless ever realize there's more of them than us, and learn how to organize a coordinated attack, then the rest of us are in deep trouble.

Remember the "Storming of the Bastille"?


Well-Known Member
Your a meanie.

I like old cars.

And poor people are nicer, your a perfect example of the polar opposite.

In reality your poor as shit if you think about it


Well-Known Member
There are 7.3 Billion people on the planet, in 20 years the population is expected to double (14.6 Billion). We will get to the point where the planet will not be able to support the human race. I find it funny when we see movies of some alien race comes to earth to take our resources, that will be us soon. We will need to leave this planet if we are to survive (maybe God will say us lol) We will get to the point where the Population will have to be culled just like a herd of cattle. There will be no choice in this matter as food resources will be scarce and we will not be able to feed everyone. Then again there have been two mass extinctions in earths past; we’ll never know when it will happen again. You would be amazed at what people will do to survive, even eat each other. We know this happen, and has happen to people who have been stranded, the first one to die is lunch. Don’t say you wouldn’t eat another human, when the sit hit fan your brain will do anything to survive, just like any other animal.
Don't know the source for your quote, but he's wrong about there only being two mass extinctions. It takes a minimum of 400 years to get to the nearest star, so that part is wrong, too. I suspect his lack of knowledge extends to the rest of his statement, too.


Well-Known Member
I'm putting the chance that OP actually has a M5 at around 2%.

It's a beast of a car though. Close to 600HP. Twin turbo on a 4.4L V8.

It's bad ass.

It's also 90k new.

If he has a M5, I'm betting it's a 2005 model or there abouts.