what is the percentage that bag seed will hermie???


Well-Known Member
i got sum really good train wreak that normally never has seeds in it one time i get a zip that has like 20seeds, if i plant these seeds what are the chances they will hermie?? im doing a indoor grow with all enviromenatl factors in perfect harmony, dont know exactly how the seeds where produced grower said could of been another grow near by or the plant hermied and pollinated itself, out of the 100s of plants he had only a few hermied, the buds where still dank as hell just had a lil bit of seeds in them..
A similar thig happened to a friend of mine, his Trainwreck plant pollenated itself then turned hermie and then plooenated his Pinapple Express plants, i got some of the pineapple express ganja off him when it was ready with a couple of seeds in and ive cracked and sexed 3 and all are female. I think if a female plant has pollenated itself through stress ect it has quite a high chance of being Female but i am no expert.

I hear theres a solution you can put youre seeds in to make sure they turn out female, have a gnder for that. Hope this helped :-o
A similar thig happened to a friend of mine, his Trainwreck plant pollenated itself then turned hermie and then plooenated his Pinapple Express plants, i got some of the pineapple express ganja off him when it was ready with a couple of seeds in and ive cracked and sexed 3 and all are female. I think if a female plant has pollenated itself through stress ect it has quite a high chance of being Female but i am no expert.

I hear theres a solution you can put youre seeds in to make sure they turn out female, have a gnder for that. Hope this helped :-o
thanks for the info i hope ur right i just germed a 100 seeds that i got from various strains that hermied from stress, i just dont wanna waste time n money growing hermie plants..... hopefully at least half are female
heyy watsup?? yeaaa i grew some bagseed.. and they went hermie on me.. im not 100% sure.. but i think that bagseed are just more easily stressed than other plants.. and thats why they go hermie.. like if you bought some seeds.. and say the lights didnt turn off at night for a day or two.. the seeds you bought would probably be ok.. but the bagseed would turn hermie because of it... and yeaaa it is true that if you have a FEMALE plant.. and the FEMALE plant goes hermie.. and pollenates itself.. the seeds are supposed to be feminized... there will be a chance that some seeds turn hermie.. but you can just pull them out as soon as you see any signs of hermification.. or w.e the fuck you would call it. lol. but this is how alot of feminized seeds are made.. since the plant is FEMALE at 1st.. and then due to stress produces pollen.. and pollenates itself.. there is no male chromosomes.. soo the seeds would be feminized. but like i said.. there is a chance that some will go hermie... soo you can just pull them out asap.. or.. if you want alot more seeds for future grows.. just let them grow.. lol. the bud will still be good. but not as good as it should/could be.

and ive also heard of ways to amke plants hermie.. and ive heard theres a solution you can put your seeds in.. but not sure if thats true or not.. but i know you can use some kind of acid... some chemical.. and if you have a female plant.. oyu can spray the lower parts of the plants where the buds are forming. and it will cause just those parts to go hermie.. and produce some seeds.. but then you cant smoke the buds that you sprayed with the chemicals.. cuz it can be very bad for you.. if you look at the FAQ section at the very top of this page.. theres a section on feminized seeds and it tells you what chemicals to use and how to do it i think...?? kk.. i just went and found the link for ya.. here it is..


and good luck with your grow man.. r u gonna start a journal?? i think u should.. i would subscribe to that !!
heyy watsup?? yeaaa i grew some bagseed.. and they went hermie on me.. im not 100% sure.. but i think that bagseed are just more easily stressed than other plants.. and thats why they go hermie.. like if you bought some seeds.. and say the lights didnt turn off at night for a day or two.. the seeds you bought would probably be ok.. but the bagseed would turn hermie because of it... and yeaaa it is true that if you have a FEMALE plant.. and the FEMALE plant goes hermie.. and pollenates itself.. the seeds are supposed to be feminized... there will be a chance that some seeds turn hermie.. but you can just pull them out as soon as you see any signs of hermification.. or w.e the fuck you would call it. lol. but this is how alot of feminized seeds are made.. since the plant is FEMALE at 1st.. and then due to stress produces pollen.. and pollenates itself.. there is no male chromosomes.. soo the seeds would be feminized. but like i said.. there is a chance that some will go hermie... soo you can just pull them out asap.. or.. if you want alot more seeds for future grows.. just let them grow.. lol. the bud will still be good. but not as good as it should/could be.

and ive also heard of ways to amke plants hermie.. and ive heard theres a solution you can put your seeds in.. but not sure if thats true or not.. but i know you can use some kind of acid... some chemical.. and if you have a female plant.. oyu can spray the lower parts of the plants where the buds are forming. and it will cause just those parts to go hermie.. and produce some seeds.. but then you cant smoke the buds that you sprayed with the chemicals.. cuz it can be very bad for you.. if you look at the FAQ section at the very top of this page.. theres a section on feminized seeds and it tells you what chemicals to use and how to do it i think...?? kk.. i just went and found the link for ya.. here it is..


and good luck with your grow man.. r u gonna start a journal?? i think u should.. i would subscribe to that !!
damn, mad reps for the info, but when u say some will hermie can u give me a more acurate guess, out of a 100 u think at least half will be regular females?? cause i just ordered a 150 seeds from nirvana thinking im wasting my time growing the hermie seed that i got out if the train wreaks. i was gonna pull them all out and replace them with the seeds from nirvana so i dont have to waste a bunch of soil...
heyy watsup?? yeaaa i grew some bagseed.. and they went hermie on me.. im not 100% sure.. but i think that bagseed are just more easily stressed than other plants.. and thats why they go hermie.. like if you bought some seeds.. and say the lights didnt turn off at night for a day or two.. the seeds you bought would probably be ok.. but the bagseed would turn hermie because of it... and yeaaa it is true that if you have a FEMALE plant.. and the FEMALE plant goes hermie.. and pollenates itself.. the seeds are supposed to be feminized... there will be a chance that some seeds turn hermie.. but you can just pull them out as soon as you see any signs of hermification.. or w.e the fuck you would call it. lol. but this is how alot of feminized seeds are made.. since the plant is FEMALE at 1st.. and then due to stress produces pollen.. and pollenates itself.. there is no male chromosomes.. soo the seeds would be feminized. but like i said.. there is a chance that some will go hermie... soo you can just pull them out asap.. or.. if you want alot more seeds for future grows.. just let them grow.. lol. the bud will still be good. but not as good as it should/could be.

and ive also heard of ways to amke plants hermie.. and ive heard theres a solution you can put your seeds in.. but not sure if thats true or not.. but i know you can use some kind of acid... some chemical.. and if you have a female plant.. oyu can spray the lower parts of the plants where the buds are forming. and it will cause just those parts to go hermie.. and produce some seeds.. but then you cant smoke the buds that you sprayed with the chemicals.. cuz it can be very bad for you.. if you look at the FAQ section at the very top of this page.. theres a section on feminized seeds and it tells you what chemicals to use and how to do it i think...?? kk.. i just went and found the link for ya.. here it is..


and good luck with your grow man.. r u gonna start a journal?? i think u should.. i would subscribe to that !!
heres my journal uk, first time, 1plant grow...
can anyone else shed sum light on the subject??
This was posted on another site by a very experienced grower..

theres nuthing wrong at all with growing bag seed.. in fact.,.. i think the term bag seed is sort of a derogatory name..

ive grown many strains that would be classed as "bagseed'..

if youre smoking indoor grown weed.. theres a good chance that strain has self pollinated.. this isnt a bad thing at all.. with no males present.. theres a good chance the seeds will be female.. after all.. this is how seedbanks get their seed.. its no different.. a seed bank will deliberately stress a clone so it spits bananas.. they then painstakingly collect the pollen and pollinate another clone of the same strain.. this is the technique they use.. its a Soma technique for making female seeds.. and it works well.. so well infact that every seedbank that offers feminized seed uses this method...

now the difference with the indoor weed seeding itself.. altho the pollen hasnt been collected and pollinated an unstressed female.. its still very viable seed.. and ive used this technique for about 20 years.. and ive found absolutely NO problem with it..
some say by using this seed youre cementing the hermie gene into the strain.. this is BS.. its already there.. thats how the seed was produced in the first place.. some say.. yeah but the seeds will be predominately hermie.. thats BS too.. as most of the seeds ive given out and grown have been female.. sure you get males and hermies too.. but you also get that from seeds made with a male and female..

theres so much speculation about the genes being weakened and youll only get hermies.. but seriously.. in 20 years of doing this.. i havent seen it..

i think a lot of it is hype brought on by seedbanks to get you buy seeds rather than make them yourself.. if people really knew how easy it was to make seeds.. then the seed banks wouldnt making as much money would they..

for years ive gotten strains as clones.. and cloned it to death until its spat seeds.. ive then grown these seeds out to find a fresh female and started again.. ive done this with so many strains its not funny..

so to.. answer your question.. bagseed.. or bought seed... well to me.. if that seed has been pollinated indoors.. from a self seeding female clone.. then you got exactly the same genetics as the bud it came from.. to me.. this seed.. and a bought seed.. theres no difference.. oh.. except ones free.. the other isnt...
This was posted on another site by a very experienced grower..

theres nuthing wrong at all with growing bag seed.. in fact.,.. i think the term bag seed is sort of a derogatory name..

ive grown many strains that would be classed as "bagseed'..

if youre smoking indoor grown weed.. theres a good chance that strain has self pollinated.. this isnt a bad thing at all.. with no males present.. theres a good chance the seeds will be female.. after all.. this is how seedbanks get their seed.. its no different.. a seed bank will deliberately stress a clone so it spits bananas.. they then painstakingly collect the pollen and pollinate another clone of the same strain.. this is the technique they use.. its a Soma technique for making female seeds.. and it works well.. so well infact that every seedbank that offers feminized seed uses this method...

now the difference with the indoor weed seeding itself.. altho the pollen hasnt been collected and pollinated an unstressed female.. its still very viable seed.. and ive used this technique for about 20 years.. and ive found absolutely NO problem with it..
some say by using this seed youre cementing the hermie gene into the strain.. this is BS.. its already there.. thats how the seed was produced in the first place.. some say.. yeah but the seeds will be predominately hermie.. thats BS too.. as most of the seeds ive given out and grown have been female.. sure you get males and hermies too.. but you also get that from seeds made with a male and female..

theres so much speculation about the genes being weakened and youll only get hermies.. but seriously.. in 20 years of doing this.. i havent seen it..

i think a lot of it is hype brought on by seedbanks to get you buy seeds rather than make them yourself.. if people really knew how easy it was to make seeds.. then the seed banks wouldnt making as much money would they..

for years ive gotten strains as clones.. and cloned it to death until its spat seeds.. ive then grown these seeds out to find a fresh female and started again.. ive done this with so many strains its not funny..

so to.. answer your question.. bagseed.. or bought seed... well to me.. if that seed has been pollinated indoors.. from a self seeding female clone.. then you got exactly the same genetics as the bud it came from.. to me.. this seed.. and a bought seed.. theres no difference.. oh.. except ones free.. the other isnt...
mad reps thank for the info:-P
mad reps thank for the info:-P
makes me feel alot better bought the bag seeds, i talked to the grower he told me the wouldnt be worth growing that genetics would be jacked, but he was to new growin and he quoted the same info ive been reading online, it seems like the only way to really know is by experience..
My first grow was bagseed for what its worth they all hermied and I grew more seed then bud I got like a joint to every 100 seeds
Bagseed is just like normal seed, seed companies just commercialize it. Female plant that pollinates a female plant always produces female seed or feminized seed. Hermie is such a hatefull word for somthing your going to see from time to time and also one of marijuanas natural adaptations that gives it a leg up in the survival of the fittest game making it quite amazing and hence why its so ace to grow and smoke :-)
This summer my friend and I grew Jack Herer autos..... the seeds were from a previous plant that produced about 20 seeds.

His plant was grown on a balcony, mine was grown with sunshine in my living room.
....we both used the exact same soil and nutes (mine was in a bigger pot)

His produced about 200 seeds....mine produced 0

Have no idea what he did differently to produce such a ridiculous about of seeds (for such a small plant).

He even babysat my plant for 2 weeks while I was out of town.....mine is on the left, his on the right.

His plant was a bit smaller but was healthier than mine, yet produced so many seeds.....go figure.

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