what is the most acid you have ever eaten and what was the exp like?

sounds like some good acid..i cant eat less than 5 and get visual distortion..i wish i could..
when i was young i could eat 3 and have wicked trails..i havent seen trails in years,unless ive combined a few psychedelics...
hmm..tye died paper..lots of red and gree and blue in the sheet?
I didn't see the whole sheet, just a 10 strip, but it had alot of deep blue, green and some red, and yellow if I remember correctly. I'm hoping to get more this weekend, and talk to the guy about a sheet.
6 hits, the experience is hard to put into words. watched adventure time on a small tv but it seemed like the tv stretched across the wall. soon enough i began thinking about how what i see is probably just an effect of the drug, and tried to imagine what everything looked like.

this is when the peak really started, i saw bright lines of red, blue, green and purple on all the walls, i was in a dark room so my imagination seemed fill in whatever my eyes couldnt clearly make out. i also remember at one point green pyramids were on my finger tips, they all seemed to be rotating and looked almost like holograms, this was also my first experience with with LSD, shrooms had never given me such bright visuals so my mind was blown.

i later talked to my friends and eventually started to wonder if they were also effected by how i saw things on this substance. hours passed in what seemed like only a few minutes. soon it wore off, and thus i concluded that i should do this shit more often.

tripped probably 50+ times now, acid still makes me feel more connected to everything. but the craziest experience ive ever had has to be when i took acid and dmt, also acid with nitrous has given me pretty good visuals.
i had a good time on 8hits of fluff once..anemia by tool had just came out,we snagged a copy,dosed,waited till we started tripping,smoked a huge blunt go kick it in high gear,turned out the lights,and listened to the whole album with our eyes closed,peaking...very good time indeed..pretty crazy album..:-)
but not the most ive eaten..
i had a good time on 8hits of fluff once..anemia by tool had just came out,we snagged a copy,dosed,waited till we started tripping,smoked a huge blunt go kick it in high gear,turned out the lights,and listened to the whole album with our eyes closed,peaking...very good time indeed..pretty crazy album..:-)
but not the most ive eaten..

nothings like closed eyed visuals to great music, i never really listened to zeppelin until i took about 7 hits.
IME ego death isn't dose dependent and chasing it doesn't work out. It's not like you can just take more and get there. It will come in time and once experienced it becomes easier to let go of yourself and experience the cosmic oneness of everything.
Used to buy sheets for $300 back in the 90's. We're talking 3 days old when I'd get my hands on em. Most I could take at once was 4 hits. At the peak I would have a very strong stiff shaking sitting erect for about 15 min that I just had to ride out. Other than that always a clean fun time. Lots of visual colors, splitting of views like having 1000 eyes, could spread my chi to fill the whole room, mind wandering everywhere.. Tripped every sat. and tues. for a whole year with that connection. If it ever got a little weird I'd bring myself back with the Beatles or other music. Loved turning all the lights out in my basement and have the stereo remote in hand kicked back in the lazy boy. Somewhere around my late 20's early 30's I just felt it was to hard to recover the next day. I couldn't just sleep through the back side like I did when I was younger. So gave it up. Tripped my last time about 14 years ago.
I did think I could do shrooms as a 40 year old but even that proved to crawl up my butt a little hard the first 2 hours. A little to speedy of course they were fresh 3 grams and I ground into dust then made into a tea. Got up on me in like 10-15 min... I loved the last 2 hours of it. Had that "I just released the biggest shit of my life feeling" for 2 hours straight.. Complete body flush of ahhh .. Haven't touched them since. A little smoke and some beer from now on.. I'm good with getting old..
And all of you taking 10+ hits... Get something fresher or better..
dude i was laying the acid you bought in the 90s and SELLING it for 150 a sheet-1k for 10...we were eating ten at a time for leisure..tripping for me and my friends was eating a few hits if wash...but to each their own..one hit can be worth thousands ime...
lol.. sitting erect, not a boner. I will say the sex I had tripping was the best ever bar none, every time.. nothing like melting 2 bodies together..
The sheets I bought were so homemade it had sharpe marks on the top and side were they thought I should cut it...