what is the most acid you have ever eaten and what was the exp like?

Yeah I was out of my mind that night. It would have been awesome if I was in a familiar surrounding but I was in a strange city. Not a good experience...
Go to some festivals, there will be hippies selling liquid.
Yeah I was out of my mind that night. It would have been awesome if I was in a familiar surrounding but I was in a strange city. Not a good experience...
Go to some festivals, there will be hippies selling liquid.
Was it too intense of a an exp? Is it different from blotters? I mean I would imagine so because I feel it would be more pure and alot "cleaner" in a sense.
It was too intense of an experience given my setting. I got separated from my friends and wandered around an unfamiliar city for several hours before I came down enough to get a cab home. IME liquid kicks in slightly faster than blotter but that's the main difference.
I was coherent in about 10-12 hours and got to sleep after about 16 I think.
I got separated from my friends and wandered around an unfamiliar city for several hours
Ahhh I know what's that like. One time I was at a huge end of the year party, a real banger probably over 200+ people, maybe only 20-30 I knew down at Myrtle Beach (I'm from Maryland) and I was high as hell of MDMA (moonrocks), a little drunk, and tripping balls on 60mg of 2CB, ended up hooking up with some chick (Or atleast tempted to couldn't really get it up haha) party gets busted by local police, there's pigs everywhere so I decide to jump out the second story window, to come find out that I left my phone in the room :-|
So here I am in Myrtle beach, feds sworming the place, have no clue where my friends are and I'm high as a kite. Ended up using some random chicks phone to have no one answer, after about 4 times trying she asked if I knew what house I was staying at and I was able to remember 8th avenue so she drops me off there, and I literally walked around the same block almost 10 times, until I finally found my friends. Still had a great time tho :p
It might hit fast but dropping high proof liquor in the eye strikes me as being a very painful way to start a trip.
It actually lasts about 10 seconds then you off to the other side. Done it many times we would even just rub it all over each other too, some pretty intense trips we had. Nothing as intense as the abhourt shrooms but you don't get those unless you grow them yourself. LOL
Did you ever catch that dead documentary where one of the band members kids snorted a line of crystal fluff. Thought it was coke. The bottle labeled C
Did you ever catch that dead documentary where one of the band members kids snorted a line of crystal fluff. Thought it was coke. The bottle labeled C

one of the first times i did k, not the very first, but in the beginning, we went to this club looking for e pills, and after spending a good half an hour or so and no luck, i found a dude with fat bags of k.. these bags were huge, i'd say way over a g a bag..
anyhoos, finally found some e pills, walking back to the car, i roll up a bill, get in the car, get in the back, and stick the dollar bill into the bag, did a nice snort, and hand the bag to my one buy sitting shot gun.. he looks at it, and says, damn, we're going to need the other bag for nick, the guy behind the wheel.. i reach into my pocket, hand him the second bag and k.. he goes, damn, this bag is way fat, and i said, well, that's what the first bag looked like before i just hit it.. immediately he does the biggest face palm ever and lol'ed at me.. omg, what a night that turned out to be.. :D:D
nbomes are analouges of pea's...they mimic the effects of their "parent" chems..some alarmingly close to lsd in their effects,but their ld50 is extremely lower,7mg of an nbome can hurt you or kill you..altho fun,there are shady fucktards that sell it as acid..this is where trouble happens..if i ate 7 x 1mg hits thinking it was lsd (thats a decent dose for me),i could end up in the hospital,where with lsd,i could eat 70 hits and live,without question..
window pane is geltabs..
Good point, I forget that "kids" do visit this site, This was way before the synthetic days of now, and we knew what was in it, we put it there. :)
I don't think the warning was because of NBOMes or other drugs that can be sold as acid but because you don't know what was used as a solvent. Generally it's grain alcohol but I wouldn't want to find out the hard way that is was something else. Even then I'd steer clear of putting it in my eye. Have a little patience...