Exactly, the stuff that makes up "my reality" or "your reality" is irrelevant to what actually is reality. The stuff that we can prove is what is reality.How do you figure reality isn't subjective? I'd say that reality is very subjective. To say reality isn't subjective seems to me to be a typical arrogant human statement. The only thing each of us has to go on is our own perceptions which creates our individual realities. This, of course, is one of those things which can't really be proven or disproven and thus makes the subject moot.![]()
you have no idea how AWESOME it is that someone else has experienced these things too. i actively alter my reality at will all the time. the only time i find myself unable to alter reality by sheer will is if im ill, or very tired. but if im neither of those...its easy peasy lol. i've sighted a craft, i've seen and experienced paranormal occurrences, i've had more "psychic" experiences than i can count...i've probably had at least 1000 premonitions (im counting as far back as i can remember. the number could be higher, i've been working at this for years) of future events come true. and most of them are very very small things (knowing when someone is going to call, knowing what others are thinking, knowing when bad things are about to happen, etc)...but im still making accurate predictions. i think that essentially the reason you and i experience these things is because we allow ourselves to. we're open to the possibilities, and obviously we pay close attention. i think that most people have these experiences too...they just maybe dont take as much notice to them, or they just brush them off. i find that people who are able to "tap into" the universe and the energies within...are able to experience things that are not on a physical level. and everyone is able to do that...just that some people choose not to. its ok though..it makes a cool parlour trick when you can make predictions, and will things to happen lol. my close friends have experienced these things with me too. my best friend just doesnt even pay attention anymore, shes just used to "weird shit always happening around sarah" haha.I agree with about everything sarah22 said in this thread. Reading through your posts on here I see that we have a lot in common and our beliefs are about the same.
I also used to be a pretty big skeptic and not really spiritual. I was always open minded, but sometimes you need to see proof for yourself to really believe. Years ago I had a series of experiences that couldnt be explained normally, which led to confusion and curiosity. The curiosity led to doing research to try and get to the bottom of the experiences. Ive now been doing research for years and have read up on most the spiritual and metaphysical topics, throughout the past years Ive continued to have more paranormal and supernatural experiences. These were not 'hallucinations' and 95% of the time the experiences have happened randomly, a few things I have made happen myself.
If I were to list every one of these experiences on here it would take hours, but I dont have the time and there are some that I really dont feel like talking about. But the experiences pretty much consist of: premonitions, having dreams and thoughts that actually occur later, astral projecting (again just 2 nights ago), lucid dreaming, seeing ghosts, UFOs, having the whole atmosphere of a place change when I enter and seeing lights dim or light up, having light bulbs blow up when I near them, feeling presences, seeing orbs, 'feeling' when people die (Ive known people died days before I found out), knowledge from past lives and universal knowledge from the akashic records and many other things. Ive actually had a head/brain mri and ct scan done and Ive been evaluated mentally in the past, nothing is wrong with me, and no Im not some weirdo making up things, hallucinating or trying to get attention. Im just a person who these experiences started happening to or maybe Im more in tune with then than the average person?
And what did I learn from all of this? all of these things are real. Ive done research on everything from the supernatural topics, conspiracies, string theory, aliens, spirit realm, etc most of it is true the hoaxes become obvious after a while. Over 90% of whats going on around us we cant notice normally. The physical plane which we exist on is very shallow and narrow compared to the whole picture, modern society keeps it even smaller. Im not sure of how much freedom we have as Ive noticed that almost everything happens for a reason and theres no such thing as a coincidence. A big part of it that Ive noticed with people who are more 'in tune' is simply the fact that they realize a lot of these things are happening while the same things could happen to others but they just dont realize the connection between things.
At the same time there is a "balance" which sarah22 also mentioned earlier that you have to keep between the physical and the spiritual (more deeper things, etc). Ive been on both sides of the fence, there were times where I was too much into the physical which can cause problems, and then there were times I was too much into those deep topics and the spiritual side which also caused problems to my life and health, especially 1-2 years ago. The physical plane existence can be seen as 'holographic' in the matrix, etc but its real as well.
I know this was long but relating back to the thread topic, you really have to experience and know for yourself like what happened with me and others like sarah22. There is a soul, there is definitely existence after your body dies and before you were born. When you research these topics I know they can be 'sobering' and 'scary', trust me I went through those phases to the extreme. Keep the balance, gain knowledge that your comfortable with, dont be scared, there is nothing to fear or panic about, live your life and just be the best you can be while having fun and enjoying your life.
thats an interesting way of looking at it. but thats assuming that all science is right. and while im a firm believer in sciences being hugely helpful, we make too many assumptions. what if one day down the road we learn new things about science that completely change the way sciences are viewed and used? will people be open to that? or will they say...your science is wrong and my science is right? its ALL subjective and open to interpretation.Exactly, the stuff that makes up "my reality" or "your reality" is irrelevant to what actually is reality. The stuff that we can prove is what is reality.
thats an interesting way of looking at it. but thats assuming that all science is right. and while im a firm believer in sciences being hugely helpful, we make too many assumptions. what if one day down the road we learn new things about science that completely change the way sciences are viewed and used? will people be open to that? or will they say...your science is wrong and my science is right? its ALL subjective and open to interpretation.
people (not trying to be rude, but particularly atheists) tend to cling to science as its the 100% fool proof way to explain the whole universe. but people are assuming that science is always true, always correct and its never wrong...which just simply isnt the case. you're putting your faith in science just as strongly as people put their faith in god. and i can understand why its better for some to do that, because its physical, and its measurable, etc. but im saying...what if the sciences that we have now...are wrong? or they cant fully explain everything? i just cant see how its useful to put all my eggs in one basket so to speak.![]()
Examples??Science CONSTANTLY admits it was wrong...Hmmmm.
i agree with this post. i know that science proves many things, and has been an incredibly helpful resource for us to use as a species. i plan to become a scientist. but thinking that something has to be able to be scientifically proved in order to exist is really a small minded way of thinking. and i agree that high school sciences arent as applicable in this age as they have been in the past. science is constantly growing and changing and improving all the time. so instead of simply clinging on to old ways...that certainly worked in the past...im ready to keep evolving and changing myself and my stance on things like science and spirituality, so that i can stay current and up to date with the times. its important to give personal experiences credit as well. they're a big part of the picture. to simply discard personal experiences is rather silly...thats probably how most sciences are created....through personal experiences and other ideological theories.Science is always wrong! Didn't you know that? Of course you did!
Yes, science can never be truly correct because of course experience is ineffable. To try and define experience is a practice in futility. Water is no more a liquid, than it is wasser, no more than it is h2o, but of course there is one truth, be it sophists or a scientists. I am well aware of the kind of experiences you are talking about with respect to dreaming and mortal intuition but these things happen to everyone and there are nuances in theory that allow these experiences, such as quantum entanglement, the measurement problem, wave particle duality, the Zeno effect and Schrödinger uncertainty principal. It seems you are still to accept the high school versions of science which really don't apply in this age.
To just discredit science is wrong just as much as it is wrong to completely discredit your experiences, allowing you aren't fabricating a small portion. I think at best we are skilled presenters and we should treat each other that way.
This statement doesn't make any sense to me.but thinking that something has to be able to be scientifically proved in order to exist is really a small minded way of thinking.
Right on manYou could think of it this way, the soul is the raw "you" while your physical body is merely a vessel to exist in the physical dimension. The soul is multidimensional, and much less limited than the physical body. In the soul you experience everything in its raw form, where as now its merely interpretations and electic impulses in your brain that show you everything around you. Not to mention that todays society keeps us even more limited so were stuck on an incredibly narrow path of existence in the physical realm. Say you lived in the game "pong" (2D) in a different time measurement that seemed to last for eternity, then you died in the game and all of a sudden you went back to being a person. You were controlling the game from your regular human self unknowingly, and were incredibly limited before going out and experiencing 4 dimensions and were amazed at 1st, but when you got back you realized it was just like the blink of an eye. Before you were born and after your physical body dies youll be a soul again.
All these super-skeptics ask for physical proof of the soul, but how are we supposed to show proof physical proof of something thats not physical? But at the same time, supposedly when you die in the physical realm and youre soul "leaves" your body it becomes something like 21 grams lighter. If you look for proof enough or something to make you truly believe then youll eventually find it. Ive done years of research on these topics, and personally experienced many of these supernatural things along with near death experiences, astral projection, etc. As far as Im concerned its definitely real, there is a soul. You dont have to take my word for it, do research for yourself and try to reconnect with this side youve been programmed to be disconnected from since the day of your birth.
im sure that lots of things exist that we have no proof of. considering we've still not discovered every little thing about this planet alone, and then take into consideration all the other planets out there...possibilities are endless. but when you take the stance that the only things that are real are the things we've been able to prove...you limit yourself and your view of the world.This statement doesn't make any sense to me.
How could something exist if it was not proven to exist in the first place?