What is the correct way to remove a male from a dwc?


Active Member
What is the right way to remove a male from a dwc setup?

Since the roots tangle, I wasn't sure if it is ok to just cut the males roots at the bottom of the net pot and then just leave the remaining roots in the water? Otherwise I'm worried about messing with the roots of a healthly female.


Well-Known Member
i don't really have any experience when it comes to working with one of these systems, but i have done a lot of reading behind them, and what i've gathered is that you don't want to leave roots that aren't living in the water because they can mold out or cause root rot. so i think you have to untangle your roots. But i could be wrong. just tryin to give you hand!

~Buddy J~


Well-Known Member
you should just remove as much male root as possible because its all just going to die and contaminate the water. Just make sure you keep an eye out for loose roots after they die. H202 is good for combating disease as well.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to breed some autos, so I would like to know how to do this as well. Also, I read h2o2 is bad if you're using organic nutes. Is this true?


Active Member
Well no ill effects removing the males.

Ended up with one female bubbledust plant.

I've been using cfl's, 18 gal rubbbermaid res, one larger air stone and four smaller blocks, tap water ph'd, 2 part flora nova nutes, some bud blood and floranectar.

I want to say that she is 5 weeks into flowering...honestly I messed up my count.

So far I have been amazed at how fast the growth rate is. As a noobie and the first time trying dwc, I'm loving it.
