what is the best way to store away my shake? In a bag or in the freezer or in a jar

i rec a nice sealed bag/jar in a a dark place, with temps below 70F.

how long do you plan on storing for? if its years, id say freezer.. what are you storing for? smoke joints later? butter? extracts?
Sealed air tight in the freezer. We like glass, because the terpenes escape right through the walls of zip lock bags.
elaborate a bit more on that. i have my shake in ziplocks in a vacuum sealed bag in the freezer

The monoterpenes are alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, etc. A Ziploc bag would most probably dissolve in a concentrated bath of many of them.

Ziploc bags are also permeable to monterpenes, which is why a sealed baggie still stinks up a whole room or car.

Freezing drops the terpenes vapor pressure and slows their migration, but doesn't stop it, unless you use an impermeable membrane like glass or metal. Even frozen water will sublimate and pass through most wrappings, so that food kept too long in the freezer, burns.

Ice crystals also tend to grow in a vacuum, which breaks up cell walls, making the chlorophyll more available, so short frozen storage periods are better than long ones.

Vacuum sealing and freezing is still the best way I know to preserve the material, but isn't the great panacea, only a good tool.
What about if its sealed up inside something like a large PVC pipe with screwable end caps. And then buried in the ground? Would the ground freezing hurt the stuff?
I know guys that do this with there outdoor every year, they glue the caps and still put the weed in bags then in the tubes, when I first met them they had stuff buried for like 4-5 years, and some you couldn't tell that it was that old but the stuff wasn't killer going in either but they said I was just as good as when they put it in there