What is the best strains for ontario canada outdoor crops!

I am looking for some feed back on what are the best outdoor genetics for Ontario Canada. Basically i'm just looking for people who have had really good results with curtain Strains! I know of a few strains that do well in Ontario but there not potent enough or just don't have the yield that i would like. I have been Growing for a why'll mostly indoors so I need help with picking the best strain for outdoors in ontario Canada for me. If anyone even knows of a strain that could help me please let me know it would be much appreciated THANX!
Hey man I have been running next Generation seeds strains for last few years it's amazing... Avalon was awesome blueberry critical magic all have been acclimated to Canada for decades check em out cheap seeds cheap quick delivery too love the place.. he's in canda
Kc brains Brains escape. It finishes in the middle of september. My friend grew it this year and it was wonderful. It has a musky lemon smell and it taste like a mixtures of citrus's and spices.
Most of his gear is great for outdoors and is outdoor bred and tested in holland he loves big plants too kc is definitely under rated
Well op i would think all the early stuff like friesland indica Freezeland mighty mite royal dane and alot of the old high rise seeds stuff would do good for you realgorillaseeds in the uk still continues a few of there lines as well as makes there own outdoor lines that suit you too the rest you will find from nordic countries easy enough at places like seed heaven nordic genetics etc
I ran Bush Brothers Friesland a half dozen years ago guerrilla, udder garbage!
Wedding Cake and it's crosses do well in NYS south shore Lake Ontario for me.
Jahseeds has some good crosses made for Ontario summers. I've been frustrated though the last couple of seasons with grows going past Halloween and trying to stay ahead of PM and mold. We're into September here before we hit 12/12 of sunlight for flowering.

I'm planting some Autos this year so I can guarantee they finish in time. Not the same yield though.

Having said that some years I've had great luck, even finishing some photo Sativas.

Iranian Short Season: fast flowering pheno of Endless Sky - finishes in August in Canada, super potent indica stone, 100% of the potency of Endless Sky, 25% less yield than Endless Sky.

Endless Sky: 6 weeks flower, super potent indica stone, 500 g/m2

Dr Greenthumb is an Ontario breader, beans bred for your climate.



Texada Timewarp: Vancouver Island commercial strain, the most potent marijuana I've ever had (grown in the Rockies though - Hawaii factor), grows up to 12' out doors, very resilient .



Check out Kash Krop Ken's line, recommended commercial strains for the Canadian environment.



Save your money,greenthumb is a douche!