What is the best soil to use!

I use 30%foxfarm ocean forest,30% ff big chunk perlite,30% fyto flake, and 10% vermiculite for all of the veg cycles, Then switch to 30%foxfarm ocean forest,40% fyto flake, and 30% big chunk perlite for the bloom cycle-----I have tried many soil based mediums and have mixed up my own a time or two, but have never been able to match the size and growth rate I get from the mix above.

note: I bloom 1/4 strength Thrive Alive with my benif/mico/ enzymes/ and sugar for 24hrs before application.(h2o @ 6.3 with air-stone)
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kellogs garden bloome is cheap and has the good stuf like kelp batguano worm castings chiken shit michorrizar bull shit and benificial bacteria
im trying the Miracle Grow Organic Mix Potting Soil has anybody had any luck with it? right now I just planted my sprouts in it but was wandering if i should switch when i begin flowering.
but miracle grow works right?

if not then what can i get over here thats good in the southeast cause we dont have that foxfarm stuff.
Sounds like a special effect of some kind:mrgreen:


bizzler do you get good results with just those? i think i'm going to go fox farm too but i'm probably going to add perlite to it. do you recommend anything?
This is my first time using the Fox Farms Nuts. So Far I am Impressed. Great results and so easy to use.....My plants seem to be in perfect health.
I could see adding a little perlit would help.
You can see where I'm at on my 2nd link.
I just looked up fox farms on ebay and it is like 36.00 for ocean forest and 44.00 for the frog . outrageous! i have to drive 80 miles to buy it so i think ill stick with the MG Organic.