Homebrewer ...
I was wondering when you were going take snipes at me after our last encounter. I know it must be hard for a "know it all" to accept criticism but for you I will make a special exception. First off, I have never been a tourist in Holland. I did live there for 5 years though. In Amstelveen. In fact I was working with a huge Dutch company that does ALOT of exporting (Philips) which falls uder the category of machine and equipment . And our building was near Unilever (falls under the category of foodstuffs) which is a massive Dutch company that exports much of the soap and margin that the US buys. You also mentioned fuels category. That would be Royal Dutch Shell and their gig right now is pulling out crude from dirt poor Nigeria without giving back to the nation through bribs and kickbacks. My point is that they (the Dutch) don't have large exporting apparel companies (which covers our topic of using these items as stealth).
Now, even though Philips and Unilever are Dutch, all of there production and exportation is done in Asia and India. So, yes if you go to Wikipedia and look up Dutch exports (looks like thats what you did) you will see national statistics that show large Dutch export figures. But those numbers represent the dollars that Philips and Unilever take in from the offshore production and exportation back into Europe and into the US.
On a more pertinent subject here, your taking exception to my post about Dutch mail getting detained for contraband strikes a nerve. That and the very recent and professional picture of Dutch seed shops you posted here leads me even further to believe that you are shilling big time for a dutch seedbank. Either you are a shill or this is an alias of a seedbank employee or owner. Your quoting (bragging) of Dutch GDP numbers makes your Dutch nationality all too obvious. Living in Holland allowed me to learn about Dutch people and being that they are from such a small country, they have huge inferiority complexes and feel they constantly need to hype and defend Holland.
The Dutch do have a big GDP but much of it is from dealing in heavy vices. Your country probably takes in quite a few billions alone in trafficking in women for prostitution. Then there is the multi billion porn/DVD/music piracy industry:
Seems like all on-line searches for pirated films, software, music can be hand on Dutch servers. Then there is the offshore of online gambling, tax havens and counterfeiting that comes through the Netherlands Antilles...that must be worth quite a few more tens of billions. Couple that with Philips manufacturing cheap electronics using child labor from Indonesia and Unilever the largest supplier of transfats and largest owner of slash and burn style palm oil plantations...
but is the general lawlessness and huge trafficking that causes the US customs to focus so heavily on the mail that originates from Holland .
But me, I am really just a mellow stoner. I tried to live in Holland thinking that the bud and women and beer would be great but anyone who has spent time in Amsterdam around the coffee shops and beer halls (more than just a few week holiday) will tell you the same story (fights, robbery, massive street drug and ripoff scene, lowest forms of prostitution
http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=2606). It sounds good from afar and is cool for a week or two vacation but you DO NOT WANT TO LIVE THERE. Its a buzz kill and blew many a nice bud high for me as I am not really into fighting or stealing or screwing Russian women and children from poverty when I am high. And as I said before homebrewer, reading some of your pasts posts
https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/297630-advanced-nutrients-has-class-3.html#post4016629 shows you to be somewhat of a buzzkill yourself. That and a seed bank shill:
Total tolerances of all things has its price. Sorry to have had to do this to you homebrewer but people need to know about this shit!