what is sex of this plant?


Well-Known Member
well im a first time grower, and apparently ive messed up big time.. the entire life time of this plant has been on a 12-12 light cycle. can you please give me input of correct times i should be setting my light cycles for? i.e like week 1-3 is going to be x (amount of hours of light per day.) etc.


Well-Known Member
and also.. from germination to now has been a total of 42 days... on a 12-12 light cycle. any way to correct this before it begins to bloom too early?


Active Member
Now you just need to stay with 12 12. You can do 12 12 from seed and get some decent results, i think. But you can get bigger plants and a better yield if you veg for either 24/0 or 18/6 until your plant is half to a third of what you want your final height to be. What kind of lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
wow..IDK WHAT da fuck you would do in that sit..
Ok stop 12/12, go to 24/0 nonstop lights.
After a month go back to 12/12

Hope this helps :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well i was using a 400 watt hps, but it was getting the closet to 90 degree temperatures and i tried everything to control the heat, finally i switched it to a 250 watt and it dropped, now that its winter, i switched back to the 400 watt. so i dunno, i wish i would have done the 18 hour cycle. but how are you positive its female? i dont see any pistils.


Well-Known Member
well i was using a 400 watt hps, but it was getting the closet to 90 degree temperatures and i tried everything to control the heat, finally i switched it to a 250 watt and it dropped, now that its winter, i switched back to the 400 watt. so i dunno, i wish i would have done the 18 hour cycle. but how are you positive its female? i dont see any pistils.
Dude that guys fucking retarded ( no offence) but theres NOTHING to indicate sex (besides someones wild guess)


Well-Known Member
I don't know how that person can be positive, because you're right, there are no pistils. See, you know what to look for!

If you want, you can switch to 24/0 now, it's not like it's too late. Like someone else said, it's also possible to do an entire grow on 12/12, it just depends on what you want. If you do 12/12 the entire grow you're gonna sacrifice yield.

Can we see some pics of your plant, like see the over all size?


Well-Known Member
ok thanks. well i just realized that my 400 watt HPS isnt necessary, i am only able to raise my lamp 3 feet above the plant. so i am now using a 250 watt HPS bulb. i switched to 24 hours of light, and i've got my fingers crossed! i have a white widow seed germinated to and already in the soil, any suggestions on what i should do with this seed. its an important seed, its feminized and everything, so having only 1 light and it on for 24 hours. with it being HPS will if bloom before i switch to 12-12 because i read somewhere it said that HPS lights tend to activate a hormone in the plant that makes the plant bloom...


Well-Known Member
yes, here is the plant, i measured it for a better perception of size. it was exactly 10 and a half inches from soil/bottom of main stem, to the top leaf.


Well-Known Member
i have sexed plants at 2 inches tall, my advice , keep 12'12 until u know for sure, then put into 24/0 for a few days, to 18/6 until it get about a foot tall, thats if its a female of course


Well-Known Member
Shit, if you got it on 24/0 now don't go switching it back. Leave it and stop jacking around with the light schedules. You might induce hermie. Nicktheburk you should read this GROWFAQ . if you had you would not be in this situation. most of your questions can be answered there. FYI Using a HPS in itself WILL NOT induce flowering, flowering is caused by there being 12 hours of darkness.


Well-Known Member
i didnt realize it was ten inches tall, just keep it at 12/12 man, a ten inch plant considering the strain could yield a zip and a half


Well-Known Member
ok nothing on there talks about the word hermie.. im assuming that hermie is a bad thing. can you tell me a lil bit about it.


Well-Known Member
Do you know what a hermaphrodite is? Same thing, only with a plant. A plant with female and male flowers. Stressing your plant can cause it to go hermie. Switching the light schedule back and forth constantly can stress your plant.