What is my plant telling me

I have 2 plants that seem to be growing well. I am a little concerened about their color. I am trying to get the nutrients dialed in for the best potential. IMAG0413.jpgIMAG0412.jpg

This is my first grow and appreciate any advice you can give.
New growth looks about the same. ph on both are 5.5-6.0. The Left plant ppm is 1140 and the right plant 890. Using Advanced Nutrients and B-52.
Its a bucket hydro grow. The water was recently changed, 2 days ago, but this has been a battle for a few weeks now. Thanks for the info on the Nitrogen, ill look into that further and see if that is what i need to be treating for.


Well-Known Member
looks like a ph issue is your pH swinging up or down?...and dial back on the nutrients to 600ppm till the plants new growth it better...cheak those roots for color if they look brown? Hows the water smell?