What is more important in veg Lumens or Spectrum?


Well-Known Member
So as the title suggests I am trying to figure out what is most important in veg, higher lumens or correct spectrum? For example I am currently vegging under a 400 watt MH conversion bulb putting out 36,000 lumens in 7200K color temp. I also have an HPS bulb for the same light that puts out 55,000 lumens in 2100k temp. Which do you guys (& gals) think is a better option? I am growing in soil and plan to veg about 6 weeks and currently 2 weeks in.


Sector 5 Moderator
Actually you have to have both for it to work. Without the right spectrum of light you can have a million lumens and it won't do much good (think halogen lights), and without enough lumens the right spectrum won't do much good (think LEDs).


Well-Known Member
Actually you have to have both for it to work. Without the right spectrum of light you can have a million lumens and it won't do much good (think halogen lights), and without enough lumens the right spectrum won't do much good (think LEDs).
I appreciate the post but I dont believe I asked about halogens.


Sector 5 Moderator
I would go with the HPS. A MH being better for veg is nothing but a myth; it's not true at all. Just another way to separate you from your money.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I have always vegged with a hps. When you think about the average grow timeline you have

Seedling - 2 weeks flouro
Veg - 3-4 weeks mh/hps
Flower - 8-11 weeks hps

Given that as an average 15 weeks you have 13% flouro 23% mh 63% hps

So I believe that what you miss out on for the "absolute perfect" spectrum for a mere 1 fifth of total grow time, You more than make up for with the extra, 35% more lumens from the hps. If you want to give a higher k rating i would use the hps and stick a few 6400k flouros in for side lighting. Its hps all the way for me