What is happening with my leaves ?


hi guys:

My girls are acting a little strange. From about 1 week ago the bottom leaves got yellow and dry, I thought this was because of the leaves touching the soil/coco mix, but today I can see that some of the big leaves on the top is getting yellow at the end - not like nutrient burn, but maybe cal/mag? Or something else ? I've used: biobizz biogrow, algamic and top max. Ph is tested with a drip test kit to around 6.

Other than that I think the plants look good and they are growing everyday. This is my first grow !
The pictures are from 2 of my 6 plants, Grown under 1 600w HPS and 4 cfl's (cold White) temperature is ranging from 70's to maximum 84. Rh: 40-50%. The girls are exactly 4 weeks today and grown in 11 L pots. View attachment 3696901 View attachment 3696902 View attachment 3696903 View attachment 3696904 View attachment 3696905 View attachment 3696906

Thanks guys !

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey aydin, the only thing I can think of now is a nitrogen deficiency. It starts from the oldest leaves and "goes" up. Try upping your biobizz grow and see how that goes.

For the future, you could try the search bar here and there are various charts that show how certain deficiencies affect leaves.

Apart from that, I'm not a coco guy, so maybe someone who has experience with that method will chime in soon.

They look great for your first grow btw.


Hey aydin, the only thing I can think of now is a nitrogen deficiency. It starts from the oldest leaves and "goes" up. Try upping your biobizz grow and see how that goes.

For the future, you could try the search bar here and there are various charts that show how certain deficiencies affect leaves.

Apart from that, I'm not a coco guy, so maybe someone who has experience with that method will chime in soon.

They look great for your first grow btw.
Thanks for your answer ! :)
As you can see, some on the top leaves af Getting pale/yellow too so I don't know if it is N deficiency. I've tried to up my grow nute from 1ml or. L to 2 but then the tips of the new small leaves got yellow - I thought it was a mild nuteburn. Maybe I should try to buy some Cal/Mag and give Them 1ml pr L. I see that Many growers are using this as a supplement to their nutes..


Well-Known Member
Hey aydin, It does look more like N deficiency, It doesn't look like Magnesium or Calcium deficiency. It doesn't look like nute burn either, there are no brown tips. If it is an N problem then the question is why? your Ph should be fine for N regardless of the mix of mediums, it has a massive ideal range and you are well within that range. Flowering plants require less N than in veg but it seems you are lacking some. You can expect it very late in flower but not at this stage.
I am not familiar with your nutrient brand, make sure you are giving them the dose they need. I assume theres a chart on their website to reference.

Good luck!

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hmm... nitrogen is a mobile element which means it will be transported from the oldest to the newest growth when there is a deficiency.. but since you added more N, then I assume it could be something else. But nutrient burn turns leaf tis to a brown colour, bot yellow.

I've heard that when growing in coco you have to watch out, because coco holds onto magnesium and releases lots of calcium (?) or something along those lines. I remember there was something about cal/mag in coco grows. So maybe it would be a good idea to try out some supplements like Sensi cal/mag, but like I said, we should wait for someone who has more experience with that growing medium to chime in.


Well-Known Member
I have grown in coco for 5 years. But I have not had many problems. Both cal and mag look very different to what OP has or at least from the pictures we can see.

this is a Mag deficiency below.

and this below is a typical Cal deficiency

Whatever my experience with Coco I believe the OP said he has a Soil/Coco mix so that itself is out of my experience. I have seen a few people lately using a mix and it seems like a strange thing to do given the differences in Ph uptake between one and the other.
Ideally the plant would of been loaded with N prior to going in to flower but if it was lacking some when flipped then I suppose the effect of too little N would show itself earlier than usual.


Thank you for all your answers ! It should be said that this is only happening to my Royal Cheese autos - not my haze and northern lights auto..

I have only used biobizz until now, maybe I should use GO instead ? I've attached pictures of all of my nutes- what do you think guys ? And also: how do you think it looks like for a 4w auto ? As you can see I have lst'd them both.



I have grown in coco for 5 years. But I have not had many problems. Both cal and mag look very different to what OP has or at least from the pictures we can see.

this is a Mag deficiency below.
View attachment 3696953

and this below is a typical Cal deficiency
View attachment 3696954

Whatever my experience with Coco I believe the OP said he has a Soil/Coco mix so that itself is out of my experience. I have seen a few people lately using a mix and it seems like a strange thing to do given the differences in Ph uptake between one and the other.
Ideally the plant would of been loaded with N prior to going in to flower but if it was lacking some when flipped then I suppose the effect of too little N would show itself earlier than usual.

Thank you for your answers ! It should be said that this is only happening to my Royal Cheese autos - not my haze and northern lights auto..

I have only used biobizz until now, maybe I should use GO instead ? I've attached pictures of all of my nutes- what do you think guys ? And also: how do you think it looks like for a 4w auto ? As you can see I have lst'd them both.


Well-Known Member
looks root bound, causing lock out.

transplant her and get her a feeding high on the N side.


Well-Known Member
I will opt out of offering advice on your nutrient system, I am not familiar with your chosen products so it would be irresponsible of me to chime where they are concerned. They are popular so I'm sure someone can offer more knowledge on them.
The root bound issue raised by SoOLED is worth taking a look at though. Maybe your Royal cheese has thrown out some monster roots. Although they don't look massive plants 11ltr is relatively small.

Good Luck with them


looks root bound, causing lock out.

transplant her and get her a feeding high on the N side.
HI! Thanks for the answer. How do I know for sure that it needs to be transplantet? I've read a little about it and everybody says that you should NOT transplant autos.. :(


I will opt out of offering advice on your nutrient system, I am not familiar with your chosen products so it would be irresponsible of me to chime where they are concerned. They are popular so I'm sure someone can offer more knowledge on them.
The root bound issue raised by SoOLED is worth taking a look at though. Maybe your Royal cheese has thrown out some monster roots. Although they don't look massive plants 11ltr is relatively small.

Good Luck with them
All of the plants has little roots shooting out of the bottom of the pots, but they have stopped growing out (think it's because of the light hitting them). 11 L is around 2.5 gallon.. I've read about people growing in 1 gallon pots. This doesn't make sense anymore :/


Well-Known Member
HI! Thanks for the answer. How do I know for sure that it needs to be transplantet? I've read a little about it and everybody says that you should NOT transplant autos.. :(
I dunno about auto's and transplanting so much.