What is happening to the USA?

So... It's like I said, the whole point of my post that all you Geniuses caught. It is the same thing the country was built on that we are all witnessing destroy it. One Yaho headline from the Imam at a time.

the fact that all these retards cant see it is exactly why america has gone to shit. I agree with every word you said. I don't feel your racist but wouldn't really care if you were. I am white and damn pround of it. As far as Im concerned we should nuke the fuck out of iraq and iran. The only thing those guys are good for is running a 7/11. you know weve really gone to shit when we elect the fucking idots into office that we have like obama, bush1 and bush 2. We need another civil war to rid this country of those cocksuckers that are in our government now fucking shit up along with the idiots that are suppoting them thinking they are doing a good job. People need to face the facts we have done fucked ourselves and america will never be the same. we'll just let anyone in now. the feds dont give a shit that we are being over run by a bunch of cockroaches from the south. Only a matter of time before those fucked up muslim crazy fucks sneek a nuk over the border. I just hope that when they do they take it to washington and set it on the white houses front porch. Then maybe whoever is left will finally do something about it.
Sounds like you live in my neighboorhood. Chickens you say? I've got chickens in my backyard right now! (they aren't even mine lol).
The neighbors behind me spent about three hours killing all theirs off the other day it was quite unpleasant to listen to, lol and a few years ago I was grilling in my yard when the folks across the street pulled they're truck into they're driveway, then the back of the canopy opens and 6 kids and a live pig jump out and run up into they're yard. and every time one gets into my yard it becomes dogfood. my dogs make a terrible mess out of a chicken, also unpleasant.
you know? maybe I should've posted: keep the arabs take the chickens. lol
I blame 911 on people like all of you. People so quick to defend the same people looking to kill your dumb asses. You stand up for them while they look for new ways to destroy you. After 911 the question was, "how could this happen?", well there is your answer. We let them. And now years later here we are. Ready to repeat the same mistake.
Mista, wats a PFD?
Its a permanent fund dividend every resident of alaska gets one, after being here for a year. something to do with oil. theyre usually around a grand sometimes two. but its why we have seen a steep influx of large family's moving up here.
you sound like a prejudiced tony montana:) lol

I am definatly prejudice because I have to live around all those theiving, dope dealing, filthy house keeping mother fuckers. They make me sick. Round them all up and shoot them for all I care. What do you think would happen to an illegal immigrant in mexico. Their laws on illegal immigration are steeper than the one AZ just passed.
The neighbors behind me spent about three hours killing all theirs off the other day it was quite unpleasant to listen to, lol and a few years ago I was grilling in my yard when the folks across the street pulled they're truck into they're driveway, then the back of the canopy opens and 6 kids and a live pig jump out and run up into they're yard. and every time one gets into my yard it becomes dogfood. my dogs make a terrible mess out of a chicken, also unpleasant.
you know? maybe I should've posted: keep the arabs take the chickens. lol
Lol! Funny shit man. Alaska=Hawaii Lol. Well, Alaska chink=Hawaii chink.
Its a permanent fund dividend every resident of alaska gets one, after being here for a year. something to do with oil. theyre usually around a grand sometimes two. but its why we have seen a steep influx of large family's moving up here.

Guess I would be pissed too.. But you can't really keep people from coming, ya know? Unless you claimed the land had historic value or some shit.
I am definatly prejudice because I have to live around all those theiving, dope dealing, filthy house keeping mother fuckers. They make me sick. Round them all up and shoot them for all I care. What do you think would happen to an illegal immigrant in mexico. Their laws on illegal immigration are steeper than the one AZ just passed.

Have you seen a trailer park?
hey man you dont have to live next to a million of them, diluting our PFD's, letting chickens run all about, up at all hours revving theyre engines, jumping people and stealing bikes like theres no tomarrow. I'm in alaska but its like somehow live in little Singapore. And you call the racist a faggot? how does that make you any better than me? personally I think a little racism is funny and guess what, so does most of America, just watch comedy central. all I said was gooks. I'm not about to go clint eastwood on them and I'm not the one calling Muslims animals either. And for the record I have been nothing short of perfectly polite to all of my terrible neighbors over the past ten years. I feel I've earned the right for a little shit talk..

And how on earth would my race make me superior to another in any way? I'm Irish, dutch, german and cherokee.

even you, mr holier than thou faggits, deep down inside must have some race that is, at the very least, low on your totem pole.

you think I'm a racist? you should meet my mother...:smile:

but in the end your somewhat right.. I did belittle an entire race because of a few terrible, terrible neighbors. but I still maintain that gook is a funny word, just like porch monkey!

sorry for calling you that.
what is happening to the usa?

racism is alive and well, that's what's happening.

exhibit a: this thread.

UncleBuck... I'm sorry but when had racism gone away? Do you all really believe there will ever be a perfect utopia where there is world peace and all the races of the world will hug trees together and braid Nancy Pelosi's hair together? C'mon now... What we are talking about is human nature is not? Have we not through the history of our species found ways to destroy each other? There will always be hate. There will always be our own destruction that is what we do. Stupid to me is not acknowledging this fact and waiting for man to evolve into something we can never be. You can say that you are better because while others hate you, (and trust me UncleBuck there are muslims in this world that fucking hate you man), you are to far above them to hate them back but what you really are is naive. Let's just all put South Park back on our TV's, smoke our herb and sink back into our shrouds of superiority and go back to being naive. It is much easier.
