What is happening to my fan leaves?

I know the answer to my question is probably somewhere on this forum but I couldn't find any definitive answers. What is going on with my fan leaves?photo.jpg


Well-Known Member

ok its not easy to suss out , when someone over feeds or under feeds the plants starts fucking the leaves up , the only thing you can do is stop what your doing and aim for a proper feeding schedule after a flush , once a leaf starts to show signs of stress nothing will recover it , you therefore rely on no more turning to crap and decent new growth

so keeping it simple

ionic grow in veg , clones feed slightly lower than the mother they come off ( 800 ppm ) , seed grown then chill until 3 weeks or more old and then 500 ppm
vitalink in flower then run upto 1200-1400 , 1600 is the top limit if its friggin huge , add a booster 4 weeks before cutting

this is all thats needed , of course shops will sell you no end of strange concoctions that will promise to do no end of things but the reality it the plants a weed and if you treat it right it will reward in kind , right is therefore not having its roots swilling around in a fuckin awful chemical soup that the plant has no chance whatsoever of absorbing , adding food is easy if you lightly feed but taking away is a real twat to manage and no matter how many times you flush the roots will need time to recover

so there you go , a general answer , cant offer any more seeing how you havnt said feeding , lighting , plant stage , full picture , progressive or immediate , p/h levels etc etc
i switched my lighting from cfl's to hps about 2 weeks into flowering. the picture shows a fan leave that i clipped at 3 weeks of flowering(most leaves that i clipped were near the middle of the plant and moved outward from there) My feeding has been inconsistent and that could be the problem, BUT
MAINLY i would like to know if this is showing any signs of heat stress or light burn ??

I have about 25 inches between the plant and light with a oscillating fan.


Well-Known Member
i switched my lighting from cfl's to hps about 2 weeks into flowering. the picture shows a fan leave that i clipped at 3 weeks of flowering(most leaves that i clipped were near the middle of the plant and moved outward from there) My feeding has been inconsistent and that could be the problem, BUT
MAINLY i would like to know if this is showing any signs of heat stress or light burn ??
heat or light , well good news its not this , heat will turn the leaves downwards creating a claw effect as the plant tries to reduce the surface area of the leaf , light burn will happen only at the very top of the plant and being honest looks nothing like this , its a massive bleaching effect that makes the leaf simply crumble to dust , this defo isnt the light to close , bad news heat and light are easy to fix where this is still a little up in the air , plants tend to adapt to how there grown so its a possibly that this could simply be a product of inconsistency

is there alot of leaves such as this or just 1 or 2 ? if theres loads it could be a lockout ( over feeding means the roots cant process the food or the roots hairs get burnt off , pain in the arse to fix and takes a little time )
phew, a sigh of relief. Still not good, but that was my main concern since i switched to hps. Im thinking it might be root bound since i only have it in a 2.5 gallon bucket(something i have changed with younger plants)Thanks Mogggggy i appreciate the info and help.


Well-Known Member
a pleasure , i wish i could point and say aha its that , all the very best and fingers crossed for a great harvest
Could you show a pic of your setup and point out where the leaf came from? It looks like heat stress to me or maybe it was too close to the light and it got a bit burnt over time.
The yellowing and curling started about midway down the plant and the uppermost fan leaves were unharmed for a few days. This plant is currently in 12/12. I also have another plant in vegetative that is in there during the day for 12 hours and then at night it is put under cfls for 12 hours. This plant has shown no yellowing or curling at all. I don't have any good pictures right now since Ive trimmed most of the dying leaves.