What is going on with my babies?


Well-Known Member
dude...I have one plant that does that at least once every two weeks...just keep her watered. water water water....and....check your ph every day....when you add soil like that you can make hot spots in your soil btw.....so careful when checking ph after that...it can throw you off. but I would flood her...she should perk up in a few hours


Active Member
No, like i said if u read it over carefully, they looked sick and wilty first. I remember hearing about root bound. My friend said to check it out. And ive heard many times, u can look at the roots for a sec, even gorge cervantes who wrote the growers bible has a video of him pulling up some stuff showing roots. And im pretty sure its not the water, cuz ive been making sure that that stays the same. Been doing it for a couple months now fine the same way... but idk its been little over 1 n 1/2 the time i usually take to give them the fert.

Sorry i couldnt post earlier for some reason, i think some one hacked my acct and hanged my password, cuz i wrote my pass down, and it wasnt it when i tried logging in.

Alright so now for the water thing. Im really stuck weather i should be watering less or more i have no idea. always wait till they are dry a couple inches down. Is it normal for all the roots to make a brick of soild the shape of a pot, i dig a couple inches down an i hit roots or its just really thick, but it looks like theres small roots when i dig it up with my finger. But why would the plants be doing this all of a sudden, when i havnt been changing the way ive been watering them, and theyve been fine for a couple months?

/shrug /sigh


Well-Known Member
Maybe they're using more to grow more, or it got hotter out...

Have you watered them yet after they started wilting?


Active Member
alright so i checked on em today and they look worse. yesterday they looked better than the daybefore /sigh

when i added in the bit of new soil, i gave them a bit of water, and the soil was all dry on top, didnt bother to check 2 inches deep 8P, but idk weather i should soak them like honkeytown said or let the soil dry for a while?

ok just checked the soil, and it is pretty moist 2 inches deep so what now?


Active Member
the post before this should asnwer th watering question, and maybe it could be that it got hotter out, but last time it was drastically changing from like 60-70 F at night to 98 F+ in the day and they were doing fine, and before it was 98F+ in the day it was fairly cool for a couple weeks before then like in the low 70s high 60s


Well-Known Member
they should be fine ive had a few of mine do this aswell just water them pretty heavily and give em some food and they should perk up in no time. they should be fine i wouldnt worry