What is going on? No male, but seeds...



My grass is normal Thai weed and is now in the 5th week of flowering. I posted about three weeks ago following picture:

View attachment 2020176d1327597019-herma-not-what-can-i-100_2526.jpg

as I was worried about those capsules. Anyway, the reply was, ...no male, ...looking strange, but ok... etc.

However, now (after three weeks) I opened one of these capsules and there was a seed inside, even there are no male plants around to pollinate my females.


Now my question is what to do... should I cut the capsules away, as they are not so much?

Also, it seems for the 5th week of flowering somehow meager, or what you think?

Please let me know what I can do.

Further, here another pic, which came from the seeds of the same mother plant, but is looking totally different... but somehow better.


Let me know your thoughts. Thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
you my friend have a hermaphrodite plant. It happens. Your lighting schedule may have gotten messed up. Or maybe the genetics of the seed are bad.

Your meager yield is probably do to lack of nutrients or growing skill. As you grow more your yield will start to increase. ! Keep it up , you can only get better !


Are you interupting their dark cycle? Only do work in their light time. But thats crazy, i would just keep em and your next batch out of those seeds will be climatetized or whatever and automatically yield more and grow healthier.


Active Member
If the plants live outside there are more variables, you could cover them with a tarp on stakes to extend the dark period, that can help with sativa type strains (14 hrs of dark) watch out for exterior patio lights and light pollution outdoors. some places outdoors get less than 12 hours of light now , they just don't grow great in winter (low temps) outdoors unless maybe they are further into flowering already then go outside to a greenhouse. if the seeds grow the same try a different variety


No, I don't interrupt their light cycles, as they are outside and have usually not more then 11, 5 - 12 hours of light... It's Thailand. As I tried to make this post 3 days ago, there are now more and more capsules coming. Seems to start to be impossible to cut them away.

So, what to do? Do Herma's still build enough flowers and 'turn' and taste 'good', or is the seed issue to big?

What about the other plant? Seems also quite small for 5 weeks into flowering...??

I am tired to start this all over again.. Thai weed means 3-4 month growing and the same period of flowering, which results in about 8 month of waiting... without a proper result... ;-(

And I wouldn't risk to send seeds of other strains here, as even stealth packaging has its labels.

Anyway, any suggestions what to do with this plant would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Peter, just grow it out man. Seeds won't hurt your crop. My guess is you got your seeds from a bag of cannabis correct? If so, it could just be the seed genetics (hermaphrodite) seeds. In your second picture the seed is by itself. You could probably cut it away, it looks like a nice healthy seed, keep it if you want. If not toss it. I wouldn't go cutting them out of your buds though, it would just mangle your buds up. If you don't have any other options for seeds I would keep those. Look on the bright side, you'll never have to pay for seeds again ! If possible order seeds but I know its sketchy !

The amount of cannabis on your plant may look small because lack of nutrients or fertilizers . Cannabis responds well to a high nitrogen fertilizer in its vegetive state. When in flower stage cannabis responds well to phosphorus and potassium , although you still want nitrogen in flower the amount of nitrogen required is less.