What is going on!? Male or Female?


Active Member
I have a small little plant that I wanted to sex so I put the lights to 12 on 12 off and after about ten days I have no idea what I have. It has sacks around all the nodes, so I was assuming it was a male, but then today I come home and there are white hairs all around the top!! So what is it then??!!


Active Member
if it has ball sacks which it looks like it does, then best case scenario is that its hermie, but thats still a very bad scenario.. and damn you look just like shane mcmahon from wwf lol


Well-Known Member
Definately,,, without a doubt,, you,, are the proud owner of a hermie,, now kill it,,lolol... If you have anymore females in the house get rid of it imediately, or all your females will seed,,, if thats your only one,, grow on if you choose..:peace:.


Well-Known Member
most will start over,, you can grow it out,,and smoke it..but if you get pollen around you will turn plants in the future unless you clean floors and walls and everything around very very well,, pollen travels and sticks for long time..


Well-Known Member
def. looks like a hermi to me..i killed a hermie a few weeks ago..its for the better man!..u dont want "it" trying to fuck ur lil girls now do u?!? KILL THAT SHEMALE!!!


Active Member
actually somee best bud of the best bud i smoke is from a hermi clone of trainwreck. once n a while i willl find a tiny tiny seed inside a resin gland.