what is causing folding leaves???

ok, so i have a little op going and everything was fine until maybe a week and a half ago. my new clone started getting a floppy disposition. i couldnt tell what the hell was wrong so i borrowed some grow big by fox farm and nothing is happening. not only that. but it looks like its continuing.

the leaves are folding upwards and turning yellow, the older leaves are spotting pretty bad and i want to fix this before it gets any worse.

what the hell is going on, p or k deficiency ? or any i wrong on that and how can i fix it please?...

90w ufo, and 4 x 90w flor lights.

so another couple days have passed without a helping hand. i will continue anyways.

plant is continuing its march towards unhealthiness, a slow descent into the impotent abyss. please let me know what a guru thinks..

more pics. if you look at the top pictures the leaves are still yellowing and ridging, i think at this point it might have more than one def. not sure what to give it. should i give it nitro, or some k. i have no idea.

and another thing, does anyone know how well a "rapitest" soil ph meter works?. mine seems to go back and fourth so much i cant tell if there are pockets of nutrients in my soil.
i got a little ghetto rig set up. but it works. no reflective mylar around the plants on the walls or anything but it seems to work fine with white walls.

there is a fan that i turn on and off periodically to ventilate, before i had thrips. i know what they can do if there is not ventilation and fresh air and cool temp.

i want this plant to live..... live i tell you...... live!!!!!

help a brotha out, my green thumb is broken!


i cant tell for the life of me why ether no one has something to say or no ones knows.. but as usual i will continue my antics.
the plant has kinda stopped its growth. i feel like its stunted. the top leaves are continuing this yellowing of the potential fan leaves. its a dense plant so im not too worried at this moment. i still think i got a little time to figure this out before its hurt for sure. please drop a line with some advice considering thats what im on here for.
also starting to develop nice little colas. i topped it about a week ago and it seems to be responding pretty well.

so before i thought it might have been k but now i think its magnesium. the folding leaves are still folded. that could be because the lighting/ heating or it could be the "praying" hands everyone keeps talking about for mag def. ether way its an issue that i would love to resolve. who can answer this.?
who has experience enough and the courtesy to give me something to go on. maybe i got more than one def? maybe its not mag? i dont know and i cant let this go. im obsessed with this plant. please help.

i thought it was mag, so ive been giving a little bit of epsom dissolved water for feeding. its been a couple days since i started that and its not really showing anything positive .


Well-Known Member
i think u need to get some P in there.

Phosphorus is a component of certain enzymes and proteins, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), ribonucleic acids (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) and phytin. ATP is involved in various energy transfer reactions, and RNA and DNA are components of genetic information.
Phosphorus (P) deficiency
severe phosphorus (P) deficiency during flowering. Fan leaves are dark green or red/purple, and may turn yellow. Leaves may curl under, go brown and die. Small-formed buds are another main symptom.
Phosphorus deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older leaves and stems
wow, finally a reply. thank. i was looking into p before, they said chelated p maybe would work but i have no idea, all there is around these parts is a ace hardware. ill go and check out the p today. have a guess as to what i might expect to see or pay? ether way i really appreciate the help. glad to see the forum works.

another question, if a plant is mad dense, should i prune or trim the unhealthy leaves? i figure i know what happening for the most part because some leaves, i want to cut the others off for light penetration. good idea?

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
thats a micro nut dif of manganese it almost always associated with fe-zinc dificency, for fast relief folar feed with a water soluble fert. like big bloom from fox farm or any other quality mirco nutrient fertilizer, you can use green sand but it takes awhile for it to break down and be usable, you can use a little rusty water to help correct the iron dif. you can use zinc sulfate ZnSO2 or zinc oxide ZnO to correct the zinc, i would start with ph test of the soil and the run off almost awlays dif are due to ph issues or ec issues
with a rapitest soil ph monitor, its fluctuates between low six. five and high 6. i would know more specifically but the meter is only so accurate. i was messed up before but i loosened a screw and it went straight to work. but lets say the soil is 6.9. just tested again this sec to make sure.
in saying all that should i check out the grow big fert huh? how much is the right dosage of grow big fert to foliar feed? it says teaspoons per gallon.


Well-Known Member
help me help you help me. ha ha got more pics. still think its p?
yes its much clearer now its a lot more than P def, its everything! your ph is way too high and in turn is blocking vital trace elements such as zinc etc.
get it down to 6 urgently. Also i wouldnt put that much of your face in pic as cops have experts that can sketch in the rest of your face accurately.Leave nothing to chance with law inforcement.


Well-Known Member
with a rapitest soil ph monitor, its fluctuates between low six. five and high 6. i would know more specifically but the meter is only so accurate. i was messed up before but i loosened a screw and it went straight to work. but lets say the soil is 6.9. just tested again this sec to make sure.
in saying all that should i check out the grow big fert huh? how much is the right dosage of grow big fert to foliar feed? it says teaspoons per gallon.
ph is out so ithink u need a new meter at least $60 at hydro shop.


Active Member
I think it's cal/mag deficiency. Stablize your pH and water it with clean water for a watering and bring the nutes back on at ph between 6.3-6.5. pH fluctuations will cause nutrient imbalance due to how the nutrients get transported.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
with a rapitest soil ph monitor, its fluctuates between low six. five and high 6. i would know more specifically but the meter is only so accurate. i was messed up before but i loosened a screw and it went straight to work. but lets say the soil is 6.9. just tested again this sec to make sure.
in saying all that should i check out the grow big fert huh? how much is the right dosage of grow big fert to foliar feed? it says teaspoons per gallon.
A good pump up sprayer is an absolute must to operate your grow-op properly. I can't see any leaves that I would remove at this point but I'd trim some of those dead ends.
goood lookin out.! i thought it might be a little much but wise to not take a risk not needed.
thanks. ok about the ph monitor. 60$ really..? damn. so then i should invest in grow big by fox farm, lower my ph and buy a new meter. first, ive read lowering ph can be done by vinegar or something with a low ph. any suggestions that may be around the house.? i dont want to keep running to the store all day.

we had a hydro shop but it went under so i get what i need for the most part in the nursery dept of ace. good enough i think, they got some specialty stuff because where i am has a good amount of people that are into indoor gardens..

again, i will ask for info's sake. can / should i cut off some of the dying leaves to preserve energy directed at the more healthy leaves?
might be basic but what the hell?

the more you learn, the less you know.
im hearing, phos, mag, cal and fe/ zinc.
damn!!!! but everyone agrees to lower the ph. ok.

do i need just clean water for flushing maybe distilled? lay it on me. someone said hps or something. no idea.
ima run to get my stuff, hopefully there will be more suggestions . thanks for those already provided.!!!

so i went to a homie's house to borrow a ph meter.... wow i was way off.
the reading was about 9 roughly as i remember. i added diluted lemon juice to lower the ph, today i tested it and found that the ph gone down a little bit but not below seven yet. i added a little more just to give a little more of a kick. im putting it in a dryer place to let some of that water evaporate. just for a few hours.

the red thing in my hand is my buddies meter. it works pretty well and i feel is accurate, hannah is the brand. its sensitive enough to read within a close estimate give or take .02, as he said.

i havent got the nutrients yet, the fox farm grow big i mean, i figure when my plant is down to needed ph i can add them in.

i also cut some of the dead tissue off some leaves, someone said its not a big deal and i figure light can penetrate more of the plant in the center.

as you might be able to see, i also got 2 little baby girls from bags. i wanna put them out side but the rain is killer right now. killer!!

any suggestions to when, i can add nutes and continue growing nicely.?????

